I took the kids to Sea World today by myself...no help. Me and all 3 boys at an amusement park by ourselves! And we had a BLAST! The boys behaved perfectly, I mean soooo perfectly! They obeyed first time everytime and did everything I asked. They stayed right with me and we enjoyed everything together. I love days like this. For some strange reason they are so good for me when we go places without anyone else. This doesn't make any since to me. Anyhow...we saw it all! (And I'm beat and sunburned now LOL) I think the only thing in the park that we didn't see was the Polor Exhibit. We even saw the Shamu show. Thank you Lord for such a glorious day with my boys. I love them so much! All they could talk about was how much fun they had today at Sea World with me. Ahhh...great great great day! (All pics with the iphone)
Underwater viewing of the dolphins
I talked to the boys about manatees and how they get hurt by boaters going too fast in the wrong places.
Asher LOVED the manatees!
Asher hanging out with mommy in the Baby Bjorn watching the roller coasters with the big boys. Boston and Dallas could watch roller coaster ALL DAY LONG! I asked Boston today when he's going to ride the big rollercoaster and he told me when he's 30. LOL He was also possitive there was a rollercoaster at Sea World that went throw a cave and came out the other end. He even took us too it. I didn't even remember this about the Kraken ride, be he sure remembered! Tonight at dinner Boston was telling me about this great idea he has for a roller coaster. That it should go through the mouth of a dragon and the mouth should open to let them in. I told him he should design roller coasters when he grows up. Then he talked to me for 10 minutes about all the ideas for rollercoasters he has!
As we were leaving the park, all tired out, I totally remembered that I had forgotten to remember where our car was. Boston remembered and took me right to it. Man is he good at directions!!
Asher sporting his first sunglasses

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