If you have ever heard of or tried "Fly Lady" and are looking for a Christian dimension to the ideas, this book is for you. For links to more information about A Mother's Rule of Life, please visit http://www.mothersruleoflife.com/
General Description:
On January 1, 2000, Holly Pierlot pounded her fist on the kitchen table and yelled at her husband, "I can’t take it anymore!"
Motherhood and homeschooling had overwhelmed her. The house was dirty, the laundry undone. Holly felt frustrated, discouraged, and alone. She couldn’t find time to snuggle and have fun with her five children or to go out with her husband. Yes, she loved Philip and she did love God, but she had come to resent Philip’s freedom and she almost never found time for prayer.
Today, everything’s better. Holly still home schools, but the house is cleaner, she gets more done, and the kids are happier. There’s less stress, less strife, and less housework. Holly’s been healed of past wounds that troubled her soul and her marriage. Best of all, she spends at least an hour each day in prayer and time each evening with Philip.
Holly brought about these changes with what she calls her Mother’s Rule of Life, a pattern for living that combines the spiritual wisdom of the monastery with the practical wisdom of motherhood.
Holly’s Rule is not just another set of schedules; it’s a way for Christian mothers to answer God’s call to holiness. With the help of your own Rule, you can get control of your own household, grow closer to God, come to love your husband more, and raise up good Christian children. In these wise and practical pages, Holly shows you how.
Do you want to be a better wife and mother? To have more order in your life? To grow in union with God? Are you desperate yet?
With your own Mother’s Rule of Life, you’ll transform motherhood and its burdens into the joyful vocation it’s meant to be. Learn from Holly Pierlot how to craft a Rule that’s right for you and your family. Then use that Rule to help God draw you, your husband, and each of your children into Heaven!
Link to buy the book discounted on Amazon:I did the photography for Sean's brother Chad's wedding a year ago and just found the time to put together an album so I can show others the kind of wedding photography I do. You can preview the first 15 pages by clicking below and for those family members that wish to purchase it you can do so by clicking below as well. And if you know anyone getting married send to over to me!
Daddy playing with the boys and making the slide a water slide
Asher and his pacifier...it's so funny to watch him put it in his mouth. He ate an entire banana today right from the banana peel. Just bite after bite. Amazing!
Getting everything set up to celebrate Uncle "Hess" (Wes as most people know him) 29th b-day party!
Can you fit 29 candles on there?
Asher in his b-day hat...too cute!
Aunt Suzanne and Boston