Today we went to Disney with the boys. It sprinkled off and on all day, but we had a blast anyhow. We even go to see Space Mountain with all the lights on while riding the boys favorite ride, People Mover. They rode it 3 times with daddy (Asher fell asleep on the first ride so mommy put him in the stroller.) Dallas road Buzz Lightyear ride with Daddy. Boston is still very unsure of this ride. I know that if he would at least ride it one time he would love it. What happened to my little dare devil that begged and finally we gave in and he road Thunder Mountain 3 times at the age of 3! But we did, after much crying and forcing, get Boston to ride Peter Pan. Dallas just loves it. After Boston road it he LOVED it and wanted to ride again. Dallas road the Magic Carpet ride for the first time (my first time too). We had sooo much fun! No one was up for Pirates of the Carribean except Daddy, so poor daddy didn't get to ride his favorite ride. One our way out of the park we got poured on and daddy and mommy were soaked. But we had a great day at the park!
Crazy Mommy riding the Magic Carpet ride with Dallas (yes, I'm wearing glasses for those of you who have never seen me in them. I found out last January I have a stigmatizim in both eyes-I don't even know how to spell that! I just recently started wearing them more is much more crisp with them on and as my friend Mindy Fritts told me..."Cricket, life is meant to be crisp!"
While eating lunch the birds just hovered around the boys. I turned my head to feed Asher for a second and turned back and all of Boston's sandwich was gone. He had fed it to the birds! At least he ate half before tossing it. And I sure did enjoy taking a bunch of pics of the beautiful assortment of birds)
While waiting for them to come back I shot a few pics of Dallas
This is SO a Dallas face!
Asher was clapping at Daddy and Boston riding the raft
Asher holding on the the handle on the monorail
Daddy took Boston over to Tom Sawyer's island for a little bit. Dallas didn't want to go (why can't these two like the same things...ugh) so mommy stayed back with the littler boys while daddy took Boston over. Sean had never been there before. So Boston showed him the caves and they headed back.

What a great family day at Disney again! And Sean and I celebrated his birthday a little early by going to our favorite restaurant, Melting Pot for dinner. Yummy!!!
1 comment:
You look great in your glasses. I am proud of you for wearing them.
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