Today we were playing in the backyard with our neighbor JT. The boys like to take the hot wheels and wagons and ride down the hill. Florida snow sledding! They love it! It does remind me of living in Georgia and sledding down our hill in our backyard. Only....we had snow! But the best part about can wear shorts and flip flops!
Boston and JT

Dallas and

Asher watched from his car and loved every minute of it. Here Dallas took a break and pushed Asher around. He's such a good big brother.

He went to find more sticks. The boy is obsessed with sticks, using them as swords, drums, or whatever else he can think of. I feel like I'm constantly telling him "Don't play swords with sticks, you're going to poke
someone's eye out!" (How clique is that?) He's drawn to them like a magnet!

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