Next was the nature area and I thought this was really cool, probably cooler than they did. Papa had told them to be sure and see the alligators for them so they had been looking for them since we arrived and were very excited to finally see them. A lady was feeding them too, so they thought that was cool.
Then we went to kid land and this was definatly their favorite thing. Boston's favorite was the orange grove area where you got to pick them, harvest them, put them in crates and on a converer belt. He loved it! 
Dallas favorite was the water area where you could change the flow of the water and make your boats race down the stream and the waterfalls. He could have played here for hours.
Then we headed over to the Dinasours and they were amazed by them. 
They really enjoyed uncovering bones with the bruses too.
They also had an exhibit about sports and you could do several things related to this. When we got to this room it was filled with field trip kids so it was a little caoitic. But we did do a few things here and the boys even got to throw a baseball and see how fast they could through it. Boston through at 25 mph and Dallas at 15mph.
After that we headed back to the oranges and water and played for a while. Then went and ate our lunch in the car and took Boston to school. What a fun day together with my boys!