We are realizing how important it is to parent each child differently. For the most part we have been parenting pretty much the same with Boston and Dallas. You do this...this is the consiquence across the board. But I'm realizing, as this might have worked for Boston, it is not working so well for Dallas. And after talking with my awesome friend Jessica (who has 3 kids about the same age as mine) I realized her 2nd born (1 year older than Dallas) had gone through the same things Dallas is. It has a lot to do with being the middle child I think more than the second born really. He needs to know where he fits into the family and that he is his own person. A lot of the time he will just go along with what Boston wants to do, so I'm trying to encourage him to make his own choice and we will all follow him. I've been A LOT less hard on him. I think we were expecting him to act the same way Boston does, forgetting that Boston wasn't perfect at this age either. What a difference all this has made. It felt like it was constant butting of the heads and whinning and crying with him and as soon as I've tried to understand where he is coming from and not expecting much from him its made a HUGE difference. And we are making a point to try and spend more one on one time with just him. You really have to think about things like this when you start having a full house like ours, everyone needs time alone with mommy and daddy. I sure am glad we are figuring this out now! So as Dallas is still in the 2-3 toddler stage that can be oh so difficult, I'm finding so much joy in it. What a precious child he is. He puts a smile on everyones face and can make me laugh so hard! His heart of gold and love are overflowing.
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