All 3 boys dressed in their best safari gear and couldn't wait for their friends to get here. They asked for hours leading up to the party when everyone would be there.
Here is everyone coloring their "passports" to go on a safari hunt
I hide a box with a label saying "EXPEDITION SUPPPLIES" on it and told them that it's lost and I needed them to find it before we could go on our expedition SAFARI! They loved this and ran all over the yard until they found the box which included a safari hat, binoculars, compass, maps and bags with their names saying "Dallas' Supply Rations" for everyone. Then they had to follow me through the safari. We first went around the poisonous bush, over the quick sand (a brown towel on the ground), under the venomous snake (which was a big fake one hanging from the tree), look for the lizards sunning on the rocks (here they each got to keep on and put it in their bags), find the snakes hiding in the sand on the beach (and each got to keep a big snake), around the alligator, under the spider tree (Sean hung spiders from rope and they each got to keep one), find a frog in frog pond, and finally go through bat cave (a tunnel). They had a great time. We then played animal charades. I had printed out animals and gave each person one to act and sound out and everyone guessed. Of course my boys decided not to participate in any of the action. I, of course, was very bummed. Dallas was great up until it was time for the actual safari hunt. And before the party they were so excited. Maybe next time they will!
Sean with the mound of hot dogs
I was so proud of Dallas for being a great sport with the b-day song. Usually the boys have always started crying and getting upset when we do it. When I said we were going to eat cake he came running and smiled through the whole song and really tried blowing out the candles. Boston and daddy helped finally get them all out. Boston even loved standing next to him and smiled the whole time. This made up for the fact that they didn't play in the all the games.
Papa let Dallas drive the boat.
The boys checking out the alligator
After it was all over and everyone had left we had a great time playing with the toys with the boys. Dallas just loved it all. Then we opened the "Star Station" karaoke that we bought Dallas and laughed so hard watching both of them sing and dance with them on the tv. So funny! And after they calmed down and finally went to bed Sean and I played some good card games with Wes and Suzanne to wind ourselves down. That was great. And after we were finished the "big boys...aka Sean and Wes" went to play Halo on their xbox. I walked in and asked them if they remembered where they were 3 years ago this time. Of course they didn't remember, but I did. They were playing the same game at our house, as I was having labor pains, like I had been having for weeks. I tried going to bed, but after hours of it getting worse, I walked in and said, "It's time babe!" Seems like so long ago.
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