Monday, December 31, 2007
New Year's Eve
Christmas ornaments tradition
On our big tree it's also very fun to put up ornaments because each ornament means something special. Anywhere we go we buy an ornament to remember that by. And the boys each get a new ornament each year to remember that year by. This year Boston got a collection of Peter Pan ornaments and Dallas got a collection of Toy Story ornaments. Our tree itself is like a family heritage tree, revealing all that our family represents, loves and cherishes.
Asher's 2nd tooth with prunes
Highlights from 2007
We started the month out by having our first sonogram of our precious Asher, which at the time we didn’t know the sex. We had a 4-d sonogram and the pics were amazing! We also got invited to go to a beautiful dinner to benefit House of Hope by our friends Darryl and Val. That was so much fun! We ended the month with a cruise to the Caribbean for PrePaid Legal. The boys had a great time on their first cruise and can’t wait till the next. Sean also celebrated his 28th birthday while on the cruise.
Sean and I had a weekend with my childhood best friend Amy in Thomasville, Ga without the kids. I helped throw her baby shower and it was a nice little trip for us. Dallas moved to a big boy bed from his crib as well. Very smooth transition.
Started the month with Boston’s 4th birthday party, a pirate party! We held it at the lakehouse and it was a big hit! Jess came and brought Bonnie and Barrett and all 4 kids had the greatest time together! We ended the month with an Easter Egg Hunt for my Mom’s Club.
Thomas the Train arrived and we had a blast seeing him all weekend long at the lakehouse. They even rode the train with my parents while Sean and I went to see the musical, “Putnam County Spelling Bee.” Boston went to a big brother class at the hospital and I began having Braxton hicks contractions end of month. Due date for Asher came and went on the 30th without a baby.
Lots of prayer for baby #3 (Asher) to arrive on it’s own but when I hit the 2 week mark the doctor’s had to induce me. Asher Martin Whitman was born on May 14th after a very long night of labor (trying to do it without an epidural with Sean and my good friend Jess by my side). Sean and I celebrated 6 years of marriage on the 19th! I also went to a homeschool conference with Jess a little over a week later and we had so much fun there!
Not a lot of sleep going on this month, but lots of good food as all our friends were so gracious to help out. We decided to enroll Boston in preschool instead of homeschool. I came down with Mastitis, ugh.
Lots of swimming for the boys. Celebrated 4th of July at the lakehouse with our family and the Layton family joined us.
Boys started swimming lessons for the 3rd season and loved seeing Jamie again. Boston started preschool!!! Sean and I started working out before the sun comes up. We bought a hamster and named him John.
Celebrated Grandma Dorothy’s 90th birthday and had a family reunion with the Hurless family. I celebrated my 30th birthday!!! Sean and I went away for the weekend (with Asher) to Disney and had a blast! I also had a surprise party and was totally surprised. Asher started eating rice cereal.
We held a family reunion at the lakehouse for my mom’s family and unveiled the family cookbook I’ve been working so hard on. We also went to Sea World (with the Fritts family) and Disney for their Halloween Festivals. I got to see Lisa Welchel speak. Ended the month with a trip to my parents Mountain house to see the fall leaves. It was beautiful. Halloween was tons of fun as well. Boston was Peter Pan, Dallas was Captain Hook and Asher was the Crocodile.
Boston had his first performance at school for Thanksgiving. Poor Dallas got sick from the flu shot. Asher turned 6 months old and started more solid food and loves them. Thomas the Train came again to the lakehouse and my friend Carrie joined us with her two kids. We had a Thanksgiving dinner at our house for the 1st time with our neighbors Tico and Gabi. And we even had our first ice cream truck come to our house!
Dallas turned 3 years old and had a Safari Party at the lakehouse. Asher got his 1st tooth and started to wave. Went to Disney and MGM to see the Christmas lights and also enjoyed riding the Polar Express at Sea World. Enjoyed a Christmas party for Sean’s work and Boston had a school Christmas party. Went Christmas caroling for the 1st time. Asher had his 1st pic with Santa. Wrote our 1st letters to Santa. Boston even took cupcakes to school to celebrate Jesus’ birthday. The Baldwin’s came to visit and the kids loved seeing each other again. Had a great Christmas get together with Sean’s family at our house and then celebrated with my family at the lakehouse.
It was an amazing year! It is true when people say that the older you get the faster the years go by because I truly can’t believe it’s over. The kids are growing faster each day and we are trying hard to savor each moment. Life is busy with 3 boys and I’m sure it will only get busier.
Sean got a promotion at work and is doing wonderful as the Operations Manager at Harland Financial. We are just so proud of him. He’s also doing well with his PrePaid Legal business. He did get to golf at Bay Hill this year with his friend Blake but hasn’t gotten to play much lately. He has loved the times he gets to play the family xbox with my brother Wes. Tries to read whenever he can, of course when he gets home the boys are so excited to see him that he can’t get much of anything done.
I’ve been busy of course with all 3 kids. My photo art/photography business is going well, as well as it can with me chasing our kids around. I do look forward to growing in it in the future, as time permits. I started my blog this year and that has helped me to capture all the moments in our family so we will remember them forever. My days are filled with the fun of play and the joys of housework. I do love to read when I can and Sean and I have been renting a lot more movies this year, since we don’t actually get to the movies much anymore. I loved our season passes to the Orlando Broadway Series and hope to get them again in the future.
Boston is flourishing in preschool learning how to write and read. He’s known his alphabet and numbers for some time now but is really doing well writing them. He likes to point our words that he knows like his name and Stop. He’s also growing in his coloring skills, coloring in the lines much more. Loves to sing and dance around like always and trains are still #1 on the list. Thomas has taken second seat to GeoTrax now. His other favorite thing to do is ride his bike in the front yard with Dallas. Peter Pan and Toy Story were favorites this year. He wears his Peter Pan costume around a lot and him and Dallas like to play like they are Peter Pan and Captain Hook. He loves to read and will sit in the room forever. A lot of times when I’m reading to them he likes to pick out his own book and will read to himself while I read to Dallas. He really is growing up. Another favorite thing is swimming. This year he’s really started to master his strokes and can do the breaststroke, butterfly, freestyle and backstroke. We are just so proud of him. He’s also learned from daddy how to do a cannonball! He’s a great big brother to Dallas and Asher and has really stepped into the roll quite nicely. He adores Asher and is always there to help me out with him.
Dallas is coming into his own. He’s learning what he likes, instead of what his big brother does. He loves to read and will go in the room and look through books forever. He also still enjoys his trains with his brother and has really learned how put his own track together now. He’s also grown quite fond of pirates and has his own pirate voice he uses daily. Likes to carry his sword with him all around the house with it tucked in his pants. When playing chase he would much more like to be the one chasing than the one being chased. And he loves a good game of hide and seek. He can find the best spots and stay as quiet as a mouse. We can never find him! His favorite show this year has been Backyardagain’s (along with his brother). The boys call themselvs the Backyardagains, with our neighbors The Stietler’s rounding out the other 3 characters. He’s also fascinated with roller coasters and he’s quite the dare devil. This year he road the roller coaster at Disney’s Toon Town, Pirates of the Caribbean and the Sea World roller coaster. He can’t wait to ride Space Mtn one day. He also mastered swimming this year and will jump in or slide in and swim for hours.
Asher is now 7 months old and I don’t know where the time has gone. He’s eating solid foods now, nursing about every 4 hours, sleeps through the night, and is the happiest baby yet! He’s sitting up and loves to babble. He can say dadada, nanana, bababa. I’m looking forward to the mamama. He got his first tooth this month and the second should be here any day. He adores Boston and Dallas and if Daddy is in the room looks all over for him. When I come in the room of course he’s jumping up and down as well. He doesn’t eye the tv like the other boys did, he’s too entertained by the real excitement-two big brothers. He can wave to you and amuses himself with his skills. He’s a very content baby and will sit for long periods of time, letting mommy get some much needed things done. He likes to swing in the front yard and ride in the little car while mommy pushes. And one of his favorite things is to jump up in down in your arms. Sure lives up to his name, which means happy, he’s happy almost all the time!
May God Bless you in the new year as much as he has blessed us!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Just like daddy
Christmas at Sea World
Friday, December 28, 2007
Leapfrog...never too early
Bathtime with Brothers
Dress up box....for boys
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Nativity Set
Merry Christmas
Before we started opening presents Boston tore off his last ring on his advent and made it to the star!The crazy mass of presents!
A new drum set equipped with a microphone (his favorite part)
Look at the look on his face! Classic
Asher even loved playing with all his toys
Stockings with Daddy. I got Sean an Ipod Nano this year and it was a total surprise to him. That's always the best. He bought me a Kitchen Aid Mixer...oh yes! Lots of baking going on here. I've wanted one of these for sooooo long! There were so many great gifts that I can't even begin to type them all. Family Christmas photo....can you believe we are all looking and smiling at the camera! Truely a MERRY Christmas. After we opened presents we had an amazing breakfast that my mom cooked with breakfast casserole, hashbrown casserole and an apple french toast casserole. Oh how awesome!
We also took a boat ride in the beautiful weather. I love Christmas in Florida!
All in all it was a WONDERFUL Christmas with family and friends (Aaron and Kim came by with Kim's parents as well) Got to play some Mexican Train Dominos (a gift we bought Suzanne), laugh, eat and enjoy the company of some good people. The boys ran around like crazy and crashed that night. We packed the car up after an amazing meal cooked by my mom (Honey Baked ham and turkey, sweet pototoe souffle, mashed potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce and more). When we got home they jumped right into bed and Sean spent an hour unloading the car. LOL We then watched "Meet the Claus" a hallmark movie my dad recorded for us. Boy our Christmas' get even better with time, especially as the boys get older. I just love this time of year.