Tonight we had the privledge of having Boston's teacher and assistant teacher over to our house for a little while. I can't express how much I love this part of our school. How great is it that the teacher has the opportunity to connect with each of their students and the parents on this level. Boston was very proud to show her around. I had a great talk with them and feel so good about this year. And even with the eye issues that are going on in regards to his visual processing problem I feel like he's in the absolute best hands. His teacher is more than willing to work with him and is so gentle and kind to build up his confidence and make things challenging, yet encouraging for him. It's the perfect learning environment for him to excel in. His teacher has 3 boys herself and homeschooled for several years so in so many ways I feel like she understands our family well. I'm looking forward to watching him grow this year and finding ways to help him overcome the visual challenges that have been plagueing him so that he can take off in his learning like I know he wants too.
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