Friday, February 15, 2008

Asher's 9 months old yesterday

Asher is 9 months old! Can't believe it. He's scooting around everywhere and I just know that one of these days he's going to take off and none of us will be able to keep up with him. Guess i better get all those baby proofing things out. Here comes Asher! He still only has 2 teeth and it seems like he's been cutting the other two for months now! He's 19.9 lbs and eating very good. He enjoys baby food but doesn't eat a whole lot. Still enjoys nursing, 3 more months to go. He has started waking in the middle of the night to eat because he's not eating as much baby food as he probably should, but I'm sure he will grow out of that soon as he starts eating more solid foods. He truely is such a happy baby! His smiles, laughs, cooing, babbling, jumping, excitement are just so adorable! He makes me want to have 10 more!

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