Today to celebrate spring break we went out to the lakehouse for the day. Suzanne went with us and we had a great time. The weather was just perfect and the boys had a blast playing on the beach and in the water. It was Sydney's first time at the lakehouse and she partied hard in her carrier on the dock.
Mommy and Sydney....I don't have many pics of me and my girl since I'm usually the one behind the camera. (Clothing for Sydney provided by Suzanne and Jess....their signature design onesie from my baby shower "Social Butterfly"!)

Sydney loved the lake

The lakehouse new cat, named Christmas since she arrived somehow there at Christmas, had kittens and they are about 4 weeks old now. Another good reason to come to the lake today because I was dying to meet them.

Doesn't she have amazing eyes!

And her 5 kittens

So lovable!!!!
Did you get to take a kitty home with you?
Ha ha. they aren't old enough yet. Not sure if we will or not. They are sooo cute. But I've got my hands full right now.
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