Asher has always been our easiest child so far, which has all started to change as he's ventured into the mid 2s. Now the word "no" seems to be his favorite response to everything. But that doesn't stop the
hilarious humor this kid has. He's always got everyone cracking up. And he's so smart! Here's just a few pictures from today of his adventures. Above he was entertained by rolling the balls up and down the slide the big boys had put into the ball pit.
Below you see him with our new washer (our dryer broke and we got new washer and dryers a few days ago....they rock!) They are front loaders and his blanket which he
affectionately calls "
wawa" needed to be washed so I let him put it in the washer and we turned it on. He was amazed that he could watch it spin around and get wet! He wanted to stay there forever watching. It was just so precious!
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