Well it's Sunday and still no baby. The Doctor said on Tuesday I probably wouldn't make it through the week and yet another Whitman baby has defied all dates. Her due date is wednesday and it's looking more and more like another late baby.
In the meantime I'm getting lots done and having some good quality family time. Last night we went to a friend and neighbor my family for many many years going away party. He's leaving to try and make it in the Navy Seals. We brought the kids over to my parents and put them to bed and headed next door.
After the party we went to the movies with Wes and Suzanne and saw The Book of Eli, a surprisingly good movie about a man whom God tells to take the last bible and take it West, protecting him along the way. Amazing ending.
While in the movie I got a text from my mom saying that Dallas called 911 and came out and told her he talked to a nice lady on the phone who wanted to know if he had an emergancy. He said he just hung up. And sure enough a few minutes later a sheriff shows up at the front door. He was not happy at all. Yelling at my mom to put the dog in the house and he had been looking all around with his flash light. She explained what happened and he finally left.
We missed church this morning. I had a horrible nights sleep and slept in until 11:30. I just can't get comfortable at night, or I'm up peeing or feeling nausous. Oh the joys of pregnancy.
But I do have to say that I really am enjoying feeling her move and kick inside me. Especially knowing that I probably won't ever be pregnant and get to feel that again. It's very bittersweet. I have always loved being pregnant but this one has been much much harder on mh body and emotions than the other ones ever were. But it's all worth it in the end!
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Movies with Papa
Today after school we went to the movies with papa. The boys have been asking to go to Universal Studios Citiwalk to see a movie because they remembered going there a while back with Sean and I. Man were they excited. They loved riding the moving sidewalks and seeing the rollercoasters and all the exciting things there.
Here they are with papa, not the best picture but the only one I got Dallas in.

We had the whole theatre to ourselves which was great because we could talk when needed during the movie. And with 5 minutes left in the movie dallas had had enough sitting down and walking up and down the stairs on the side.
Then we walked around citiwalk for a little while. They love surfing!

Boston being chill

Dallas doing stunts

We watched the hulk and the new rockin roller coaster and they both put on their own dance show for us to the music playing. Then they found the water area and loved running around in there. Then Boston got wet and realized how cold the water was!

Finally we went by Margarittaville to see our neighbor Jerry who is a bartender there. His dog Ruby and our dog Dillard are best friends and play everyday. The boys just love Mr Jerry and he's so great with them. They thought it was so cool to see where he works. Dallas walked right up to him and said, "Mr Jerry you're a server!!!". Jerry responded, "no I'm a bartender and don't you forget it!". I died laughing.
It was such a fun day!!! Thanks so much dad!
- Cricket
Here they are with papa, not the best picture but the only one I got Dallas in.
We had the whole theatre to ourselves which was great because we could talk when needed during the movie. And with 5 minutes left in the movie dallas had had enough sitting down and walking up and down the stairs on the side.
Then we walked around citiwalk for a little while. They love surfing!
Boston being chill
Dallas doing stunts
We watched the hulk and the new rockin roller coaster and they both put on their own dance show for us to the music playing. Then they found the water area and loved running around in there. Then Boston got wet and realized how cold the water was!
Finally we went by Margarittaville to see our neighbor Jerry who is a bartender there. His dog Ruby and our dog Dillard are best friends and play everyday. The boys just love Mr Jerry and he's so great with them. They thought it was so cool to see where he works. Dallas walked right up to him and said, "Mr Jerry you're a server!!!". Jerry responded, "no I'm a bartender and don't you forget it!". I died laughing.
It was such a fun day!!! Thanks so much dad!
- Cricket
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Asher not to be the baby much longer
Asher has been extra clingy to mommy lately. I think he knows that life in out house is getting ready to have a big change and he won't be the baby of our family anymore. All of a sudden he wants to always sit in my lap and have me hold him all the time. I'm enjoying all the extra love and cuddling from my sweet precious Asher!
- Cricket
- Cricket
Happy birthday
Happy birthday to my awesome husband and fun daddy to my 4 children!! I hope you enjoy your day.
We had fun having lunch with daddy at pizza hut and look forward to dinner and more celebrating tonight.
Of course I was hoping to "deliver" the greatest present of all for him today....a daughter!!!

- Cricket
We had fun having lunch with daddy at pizza hut and look forward to dinner and more celebrating tonight.
Of course I was hoping to "deliver" the greatest present of all for him today....a daughter!!!
- Cricket
An ending and yet a beginning all in one.
Did you ever read Choose Your Own Adventure books when you were younger? I feel like I'm kind of in the middle of that book except I don't get to choose which ending it will have. I wonder what time of day I will go into labor, who will be with me when it happens, will my water actually break this time, will the contractions come on slowly or come on strong? I guess these are my thoughts since I'm stuck in the waiting phase. With each pregnancy it's always been a differerent route to the end and the admittance into labor and delivery. And it's just so exciting how each one is differerent and unique.
So Sydney, how will you make your grand entrance?
- Cricket
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Dallas testing
This morning I took Dallas in to have an initial evaluation done by Orange County Public Schools to see if he qualifies for their program being that he has Sensory Processing Disorder. That way if we do decide to put him in back in school next year we will have more options for better schools.
It was a total God thing the entire process was. Sunday I was talking with my friend Val and she mentioned that we really should take advantage of getting him tested while he's still 5. But she said it usually takes months to get an initial appt. I called Monday and got an appt for wed!!
When we arrived there were so many people already there at 8:15am. Right away everyone was so friendly. They were impressed with all the evals and testing I had already had done on him (neurologist, neurophyc, OT, ST and PT). She gave me a huge stack of about 20 pages of paper work to fill out and we were taken to the waiting room filled with so many parents and little children. I asked the lady how long we would be here and looked at my big pregnant belly and smiled, "I promise you won't be here ALL day child.". Oh my! I didn't think it would take that long. She told me that all these other people were ahead of us and that the sooner i finished the paperwork the sooner we would get moving. I hadn't even finished filling out my paperwork when they came and got us and took us back to start all the testing, before all the other people who were there before us! God was holding my hand and my heart (Dallas was getting very restless and if we had had to wait all day it would not have been a good sight).
First he had a vision test and tested 20/30. She said we need to keep an eye on this.
Next we met with the child phycologist who I really loved. She's an Indian woman with a heart for children. Right away she said her initial thought was that he has Aspergers and wants to do some testing to be sure. I explained that that was our neutologists diagnosis over a year ago but when he was tested by the neurophysiologist he said no, it was PDD. (we saw him last January for testing). She said aspergers is not usualy diagnosed in children before 6 or 7 because they can easily blend in with other children before this age and most parets don't pick up on it. She said there were so many signs pointing to it just within the first couple of minutes of observing him coming back to her room.
So we did the aspergers evaluation test and I had to answer a bunch of questions about him. I left several blank because I wasn't absolutely sure of the answer and others I replied sometimes. When she added up the numbers she said she wasn't going to count any of the blank or sometimes answers to make sure we have a very conservative answer. Even with all of those not counting he still tested in the highest category, guareenteeing an aspergers diagnosis. At first tears welled up in my eyes and I thought I was going to lose it right there. Then God brought a total peace over me. We now can truely understand what is going on with him and move forward to help him in even a better way. His sensory issues make since because that is a huge part of aspergers. And his anxiety and frustration is as well. His odd social habits also make a lot more since. And this diagnosis will really be helpful in getting the right school environment for him. She suggested mainstreaming him in a regular kindergarden class (since he's doing well in preschool so far) but having him at a school with an autism program so there are people there than can help his teacher if she has any questions about schooling him and he can get help from people who are trained in aspergers. (they can also be a huge help to me which is what I REALLY need!). He will also recieve all his therapies at school, OT, PT and ST. With each appt usually costing us $40 a pop this will be a huge money savings as well as time savings instead of me toting around 4 kids to all these places weekly.
He had his speech and education evaluation at the same time with two sweet ladies. His speech has a few things to work on. Education evaluation was ok. They were impressed by some of the things he could do. The phycologist said that his IQ alresy tested higher than average and that it will probably just continue getting higher. Dallas did have one of his fits in the speech and education evaluation and they were happy to get to witness it. The speech therapist commented on what a calm and patient mom I am. I had to laugh. I do try hard to be this way all the time but I'm definatly not perfect.
Everyone absolutley fell in love with Dallas there. How can you not! His heart is one of the biggest you will ever meet. And his smile can just melt your heart!
Now we go back in April for a 3 hour evaluation and then they will bring us back 2 weeks later to give us our assigned school. I'm praying it's Thornbrooke elementary which is 4 miles from our house and an excellent school! We will also try for the 3rd year in a row to get into Hope Charter School. I just have to trust that it's all in Gods hands now since there's not much more I can do.
So next years schooling is all up in the air. They all say school will be the best thing for Dallas to learn to deal with things and get the help he needs. I can also get a sibling transfer for Boston so they could go to the same school. I know Boston really wants to continue homeschooling but I don't want to split them up and make Dallas feel odd or less loved because he's going to school and Boston is staying home. So it looks like we probably won't be homeschooling next year and I am putting my faith in God to show us the right direction continuing forward.
So now I'm deep into research into figuring this whole Asperger diagnosis out and getting ideas on how to parent him best. I'm determined to not let aspergers become who he is or have anyone view him any differently. My goal is to give him tools to help him cope with it and how it makes his view of the world different. I know God has big things planned for him!
It was a total God thing the entire process was. Sunday I was talking with my friend Val and she mentioned that we really should take advantage of getting him tested while he's still 5. But she said it usually takes months to get an initial appt. I called Monday and got an appt for wed!!
When we arrived there were so many people already there at 8:15am. Right away everyone was so friendly. They were impressed with all the evals and testing I had already had done on him (neurologist, neurophyc, OT, ST and PT). She gave me a huge stack of about 20 pages of paper work to fill out and we were taken to the waiting room filled with so many parents and little children. I asked the lady how long we would be here and looked at my big pregnant belly and smiled, "I promise you won't be here ALL day child.". Oh my! I didn't think it would take that long. She told me that all these other people were ahead of us and that the sooner i finished the paperwork the sooner we would get moving. I hadn't even finished filling out my paperwork when they came and got us and took us back to start all the testing, before all the other people who were there before us! God was holding my hand and my heart (Dallas was getting very restless and if we had had to wait all day it would not have been a good sight).
First he had a vision test and tested 20/30. She said we need to keep an eye on this.
Next we met with the child phycologist who I really loved. She's an Indian woman with a heart for children. Right away she said her initial thought was that he has Aspergers and wants to do some testing to be sure. I explained that that was our neutologists diagnosis over a year ago but when he was tested by the neurophysiologist he said no, it was PDD. (we saw him last January for testing). She said aspergers is not usualy diagnosed in children before 6 or 7 because they can easily blend in with other children before this age and most parets don't pick up on it. She said there were so many signs pointing to it just within the first couple of minutes of observing him coming back to her room.
So we did the aspergers evaluation test and I had to answer a bunch of questions about him. I left several blank because I wasn't absolutely sure of the answer and others I replied sometimes. When she added up the numbers she said she wasn't going to count any of the blank or sometimes answers to make sure we have a very conservative answer. Even with all of those not counting he still tested in the highest category, guareenteeing an aspergers diagnosis. At first tears welled up in my eyes and I thought I was going to lose it right there. Then God brought a total peace over me. We now can truely understand what is going on with him and move forward to help him in even a better way. His sensory issues make since because that is a huge part of aspergers. And his anxiety and frustration is as well. His odd social habits also make a lot more since. And this diagnosis will really be helpful in getting the right school environment for him. She suggested mainstreaming him in a regular kindergarden class (since he's doing well in preschool so far) but having him at a school with an autism program so there are people there than can help his teacher if she has any questions about schooling him and he can get help from people who are trained in aspergers. (they can also be a huge help to me which is what I REALLY need!). He will also recieve all his therapies at school, OT, PT and ST. With each appt usually costing us $40 a pop this will be a huge money savings as well as time savings instead of me toting around 4 kids to all these places weekly.
He had his speech and education evaluation at the same time with two sweet ladies. His speech has a few things to work on. Education evaluation was ok. They were impressed by some of the things he could do. The phycologist said that his IQ alresy tested higher than average and that it will probably just continue getting higher. Dallas did have one of his fits in the speech and education evaluation and they were happy to get to witness it. The speech therapist commented on what a calm and patient mom I am. I had to laugh. I do try hard to be this way all the time but I'm definatly not perfect.
Everyone absolutley fell in love with Dallas there. How can you not! His heart is one of the biggest you will ever meet. And his smile can just melt your heart!
Now we go back in April for a 3 hour evaluation and then they will bring us back 2 weeks later to give us our assigned school. I'm praying it's Thornbrooke elementary which is 4 miles from our house and an excellent school! We will also try for the 3rd year in a row to get into Hope Charter School. I just have to trust that it's all in Gods hands now since there's not much more I can do.
So next years schooling is all up in the air. They all say school will be the best thing for Dallas to learn to deal with things and get the help he needs. I can also get a sibling transfer for Boston so they could go to the same school. I know Boston really wants to continue homeschooling but I don't want to split them up and make Dallas feel odd or less loved because he's going to school and Boston is staying home. So it looks like we probably won't be homeschooling next year and I am putting my faith in God to show us the right direction continuing forward.
So now I'm deep into research into figuring this whole Asperger diagnosis out and getting ideas on how to parent him best. I'm determined to not let aspergers become who he is or have anyone view him any differently. My goal is to give him tools to help him cope with it and how it makes his view of the world different. I know God has big things planned for him!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A nice day
Today I really got some quality time with the boys. It just feels so important to me before Sydney gets here and our whole world is rocked for a little while.
Dallas did just awesome going into school today (after a week of crying and screaming fits). I talked with him all morning about what my expectations were for him and how I would like for him to behave when I drop him off. And he was smiling, skipping to class. Gave me a HUGE bear hug and off he went. What a sign of relief this was for me since all the other days I was just ready to throw the towel in and just bring him back home.
Boston, Asher I made a trip to the library drive thru. On our way there we noticed lots of police cars along the way. We asked the librarian what was going on as she said someoe had robbed the bank. Boston (who was guessing the whole time we were driving as to what was going on) shouts out "AWESOME!!!" from the back seat. It had me and the librarian laughing.
We picked up Dallas, came home and I gave the boys army costumes I had bought after Halloween for about 50cents. They loved them! We went in the backyard and played and our neighbor Jerry flew kites with the kids (ashers 1st time).

I got a lot of household cleaning done during ashers nap and then we all headed to the front yard. I was going to rake leaves but the boys each wanted me to play something with them so I did that instead. (I had thought the leaf raking might bring on labor but it was too windy anyhow and way more fun to play with my boys). Dallas wanted to play baseball with me (I throw-he hits). Asher wanted me to push him in the swing. And Boston changed his mind every 2 minutes.

It was just a joyful, happy time and I soaked it all in. They have all been getting extra long hugs lately. I don't know why I feel like things are going go be so differerent when Sydney gets here.
Funny thing is that after Sean got home all of a sudden I got all emotional and spent about 30 minutes crying in the bathroom. Darn hormones!! Of course this waiting game of when is she going go come proabably doesn't help.
So I'm signing off tonight...no contractions...just feeling like I'm going to puke. Lovely isn't it? The anticipation is killing me!!!
(by the way. My laptop broke so I'm updating through my phone). And if anyone wants to donate a computer to this pregnant soul feel free!! I'm lost without it.
- Cricket
Dallas did just awesome going into school today (after a week of crying and screaming fits). I talked with him all morning about what my expectations were for him and how I would like for him to behave when I drop him off. And he was smiling, skipping to class. Gave me a HUGE bear hug and off he went. What a sign of relief this was for me since all the other days I was just ready to throw the towel in and just bring him back home.
Boston, Asher I made a trip to the library drive thru. On our way there we noticed lots of police cars along the way. We asked the librarian what was going on as she said someoe had robbed the bank. Boston (who was guessing the whole time we were driving as to what was going on) shouts out "AWESOME!!!" from the back seat. It had me and the librarian laughing.
We picked up Dallas, came home and I gave the boys army costumes I had bought after Halloween for about 50cents. They loved them! We went in the backyard and played and our neighbor Jerry flew kites with the kids (ashers 1st time).
I got a lot of household cleaning done during ashers nap and then we all headed to the front yard. I was going to rake leaves but the boys each wanted me to play something with them so I did that instead. (I had thought the leaf raking might bring on labor but it was too windy anyhow and way more fun to play with my boys). Dallas wanted to play baseball with me (I throw-he hits). Asher wanted me to push him in the swing. And Boston changed his mind every 2 minutes.
It was just a joyful, happy time and I soaked it all in. They have all been getting extra long hugs lately. I don't know why I feel like things are going go be so differerent when Sydney gets here.
Funny thing is that after Sean got home all of a sudden I got all emotional and spent about 30 minutes crying in the bathroom. Darn hormones!! Of course this waiting game of when is she going go come proabably doesn't help.
So I'm signing off tonight...no contractions...just feeling like I'm going to puke. Lovely isn't it? The anticipation is killing me!!!
(by the way. My laptop broke so I'm updating through my phone). And if anyone wants to donate a computer to this pregnant soul feel free!! I'm lost without it.
- Cricket
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sean early bday celebration
Tonight we celebrated seans bday early by going to dinner with his parents to Texas Roadhouse. His bday is Thursday but of course we don't know if we might be in the hospital at that time.
Dallas and Asher did great at dinner. Boston was off at the movies with my parents who had promised him they would take him after he ever so cutely asked Papa to take him to see "The Spy Next Door". He sure loved it!
Here's a pic of Sean riding th saddle after they announced it's his bday to the whole restaurant.

- Cricket
Dallas and Asher did great at dinner. Boston was off at the movies with my parents who had promised him they would take him after he ever so cutely asked Papa to take him to see "The Spy Next Door". He sure loved it!
Here's a pic of Sean riding th saddle after they announced it's his bday to the whole restaurant.
- Cricket
Hot...that's the best way to describe how I felt today. I think my blood pressure must be higher (a good sign labor is in my near future) because no one else around me was hot. I think was sweating all day long.
Maybe the vitamins and supplements are also working. I upped the dosage of Evening Primrose Oil to 3 in morning and 3 at night now that I'm in my 38 week. And I have upped the Red Rasberry Leaf tablets to 2 morning and 2 evening. That's suppossed together things moving an shaking. We shall see!
Also began reading my Supernatural Childbirth book again. Feeling inspired and confident for this delivery. It's all in Gods hands and I trust he will guide it to go in the direction it is suppossed to.
Until then...wait...wait...wait...........
Maybe the vitamins and supplements are also working. I upped the dosage of Evening Primrose Oil to 3 in morning and 3 at night now that I'm in my 38 week. And I have upped the Red Rasberry Leaf tablets to 2 morning and 2 evening. That's suppossed together things moving an shaking. We shall see!
Also began reading my Supernatural Childbirth book again. Feeling inspired and confident for this delivery. It's all in Gods hands and I trust he will guide it to go in the direction it is suppossed to.
Until then...wait...wait...wait...........
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Today i painted for 5 hours all the baseboards and doors in our house. It was quite the project. My nesting is really getting pretty crazy. Don't remember being this crazy with the boys. It probably has something to do with the fact that it will be my fourth and I just feel like I need everything in order so that it's not so crazy when I bring her home. I'm now sitting on the couch completely and physically wiped out. Thought it might bring on some contractions or labor activity but nothing so far, only very swollen feet and achy body. At least I'm getting a lot done around here and some quality time with the boys and Sean.
My parents took the kids last night and they spent the night because I had a meeting with the bride who's wedding I'll be shooting in March this morning. Sean and I went to dinner with his boss and his wife last night and had a great time with them.
This morning while touring the golf course with the bride I thought our golf cart driver was either trying hard to just pop the baby out or throw me off the cart. Wow it was one scary ride!!
My parents just called and the boys are gonna stay another night. It's been so nice to have this time alone with Sean since we don't get much time together anymore and with the baby coming anyday it's meant even more! So I'm in for a relaxing evening with the love of my life as we face another parenting adventure in the near future adding our first girl to the mix!!
My parents took the kids last night and they spent the night because I had a meeting with the bride who's wedding I'll be shooting in March this morning. Sean and I went to dinner with his boss and his wife last night and had a great time with them.
This morning while touring the golf course with the bride I thought our golf cart driver was either trying hard to just pop the baby out or throw me off the cart. Wow it was one scary ride!!
My parents just called and the boys are gonna stay another night. It's been so nice to have this time alone with Sean since we don't get much time together anymore and with the baby coming anyday it's meant even more! So I'm in for a relaxing evening with the love of my life as we face another parenting adventure in the near future adding our first girl to the mix!!
Friday, January 22, 2010
The cats new pertch
Our cat Baby has recently discovered the comfort of laying on my belly and even wrapping her paw around it. I've even found her curled up on top of me when I'm asleep. Our cat has always been able to know when I'm pregnant before we do. She starts climbing on me all the time. And now she's started up again...maybe she knows she's coming soon!
- Cricket
Asher on curly hair
I got my haircut earlier this week and she straightened my hair. Today I washed it and let it go curly again. Asher awoke from his nap, came in and sat down next to me and was being so cute and sweet making comments like, "Look at your eyes Mommy. Look at your mouth mommy."
And then he looked at my hair and said, "You need to brush your hair mommy."
And then he looked at my hair and said, "You need to brush your hair mommy."
Who's been sleeping in my bed?
Nesting, back labor and the waiting game
I have been nesting so badly it's like right out of a movie. I'm cleaning and vacumming under tables and couches and cleaningthings I normally wouldn't even notice were dirty. At least a lot is getting done!
I've been having back labor since the weekend. I'll take regular contractions anyday compared to these! I'm not very vocal when the contractions get painful, I usually try and stay calm and relaxed but that's not the case with these piercing back ones. The boys are always so concerned when it happens as they watch mommy freeze and moan in pain with a clinched face showing just how horrible the experience is.
I should be used to the waiting game by now. I remember working up until about the week before my due date with Boston and then each day wondering if it would happen. My mom and I would go out each day, eat lunch and enjoy each day...and he was 10 days late when they induced me because the fluid levels were getting too low.
With Dallas they changed my due date to a later date and he actually came 3 days early. But Asher made up for it when he was 2 weeks late!
Every morning I wake up without plans because there's just no point in committing to anything right now. And I'm so uncomfortable it's hard to do much of anything anyhow. The boys have been great just going with the flow as I try and get my to do list accomplished. It would be REALLY cool if she came on Sean's birthday next Thursday the 28th. But I know no matter what God has her perfect birthday picked out. Now I just have to be patient and hang in there until then!
I've been having back labor since the weekend. I'll take regular contractions anyday compared to these! I'm not very vocal when the contractions get painful, I usually try and stay calm and relaxed but that's not the case with these piercing back ones. The boys are always so concerned when it happens as they watch mommy freeze and moan in pain with a clinched face showing just how horrible the experience is.
I should be used to the waiting game by now. I remember working up until about the week before my due date with Boston and then each day wondering if it would happen. My mom and I would go out each day, eat lunch and enjoy each day...and he was 10 days late when they induced me because the fluid levels were getting too low.
With Dallas they changed my due date to a later date and he actually came 3 days early. But Asher made up for it when he was 2 weeks late!
Every morning I wake up without plans because there's just no point in committing to anything right now. And I'm so uncomfortable it's hard to do much of anything anyhow. The boys have been great just going with the flow as I try and get my to do list accomplished. It would be REALLY cool if she came on Sean's birthday next Thursday the 28th. But I know no matter what God has her perfect birthday picked out. Now I just have to be patient and hang in there until then!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Boston folding clothes
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Boston is a Tiger Cub Scout

38 week checkup

Yah my parents are back in town from the mountain house....now I can have this baby! I started taking the Red Raspberry Leaf Tablets today (I was afraid to start them while they were out of town in fear they actually would put me into labor!) I have been taking Evening Primrose Oil since last week per the request of the midwife. Yes, I said Midwife! My doctors office now has a midwife on staff. It was an answer to prayers because we really had thought about changing this time around and going with a midwife instead and even doing it at a birthing center. But I've been with this doctors practice for so long they almost feel like family. I just couldn't leave! So now that they have a midwife I'm so excited because she's gung ho on natural childbirth and doing anything she can to help me out at the hospital. The only catch is that she's only at the hospital Tues-Friday from 11-5. So now pray I go into labor during those times! But I trust God and I know he always picks the perfect doctor to be there for each delivery, and this one will be no different.
So today I saw Dr Walker, one of my favorite doctors! I started having back labor over the weekend and they wanted to "check under the hood" as the nurse called it. I've never had back labor before and wow what a horrible thing that is! WAY WAY WAY worse than normal contractions across your belly. This is like a shooting intense pain that goes all the way up your spine into your neck. I pray that's not a sign of what this labor is going to look like! When they checked me today he said I'm very soft and about a finger tip. I honestly wasn't expecting much because I usually do all the work during my long long labors. And since Boston was 10 days late and Asher was 2 weeks late most of the doctors think I'll be late on this one. They aren't even sure my body is capable of laboring fully on it's owns since it never really has wanted to. It always needs a big shove. But I'm praying this one will be different. That she won't be late and that I go into labor on my own and it goes smoothly and fast and I'm able to experience a labor without pitocin or an epidural.
I told the doctor I'm not sure I'll even know when I'm in labor this time because I've been so uncomfortable for so long! This actually happened to my mom. She went in for her doctors appt and the doctor said to her, "Don't you know you are in labor?" She responded that she had been so uncomfortable for so long it just didn't even seem any different. I told my dr that and he laughed and said "You will know...trust me." We'll see...
Monday, January 18, 2010
Sacred Marriage

Of course I'm so blessed to also get to hang out with some women that I truly love and adore and think so highly of. I always leave there with a little jump in my step, encouraged, and ready to face the challenges of life. How blessed I am to be in the company of such great Christian women!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Tim Hawkins

Sean and I got the chance to go see one of our favorite comedians tonight who was performing at our church, Tim Hawkins. Thank goodness we got there as early as we did because he had a HUGE turnout. We ended up sitting way up in the balcony. If you have never heard of him you have to look him up on youtube, especially his chickfila song, government song and homeschooling song. I posted them on here a long time ago. I was laughing so hard all night I was crying! And it was really nice to get out just with Sean and no kids before Sydney arrives. We went to Chili's afterward and enjoyed some adult conversation.
The waiting game continues for Sydney's arrival....17 days and counting!
Friday, January 15, 2010
Asher's adventures

Below you see him with our new washer (our dryer broke and we got new washer and dryers a few days ago....they rock!) They are front loaders and his blanket which he affectionately calls "wawa" needed to be washed so I let him put it in the washer and we turned it on. He was amazed that he could watch it spin around and get wet! He wanted to stay there forever watching. It was just so precious!

Thursday, January 14, 2010
Celebrating just because

But today we went to Sams and we saw a cookie cake and I decided to buy it to celebrate today. The boys then wanted to buy it to celebrate Sydney...how sweet is that! Here I'm trying to take the focus off of her and they want it on her. They all can't wait for her to get here and meet her and hold her and love her and teach her. It's the topic of conversation all the time. What precious hearts they have. So home we went with cookie cake in hand and we celebrated...and I smiled because I'm just so in love with my boys!
Bird's Eye View: 37 weeks
Asher and his coffee

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sean runs the Goofy Challenge
Sean ran with his buddy Juan and they had a great time taking it easy this year, not trying to break any PR's or anything after having run the 1/2 yesterday. They stopped this year along the way and took pictures with the characters and such and even enjoyed seeing our friend Tony Messina from college DJing. Sean got his own personal shout out on the loud speaker, "There's Sean Whitman, graduate from UCF everybody!!!"
Rebecca, Juan's wife, and their 4 kids meet me at my house and we caravaned over to EPCOT to cheer them on at the finish line. Thank goodness we were able to spot them this year since everyone was dressed alike it seemed (most with grey sweatshirts and hats and gloves)
While waiting on Sean and Juan to finish the kids enjoyed rolling down this hill in front of EPCOT in the warm sunshine
Now we are all warmed up in the house and looking forward to a little bit warmer weather for this Florida blood. Being locked in the house for days with three boys is getting to be a little crazy.
Friday, January 8, 2010
36 weeks pregnant

Well this pregnancy I have out grown so many of my clothes. What a big belly this little girl has made. And she must be sittings so much more different than the boys because clothes I wore through the whole pregnancy with them I can't wear now! And with the brutal freeze we are having I just can't manage to get by with the last pair of jeans I could fit into...man they were getting tight! So off I went to try and find an affordable pair to last me in the little amount of time I have left! I did manage to find a very cute, very comfortable pair (not the ones in this picture...these were the ones that were just too tight for my comfort anymore.) I realized I just haven't taken very many pregnant pictures this pregnancy and I should document this every growing belly some. So there it is....my basketball i tucked away under my shirt!
I am really getting uncomfortable and looking forward to finishing the nursery and the other things on my to do list and finally meet this little girl who is ALWAYS moving inside me...kicking and punching me. (Way more than the boys ever did!!)
Cold Florida Days

Thursday, January 7, 2010
Asher's naptime

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Sydney's Christmas Stocking
Monday, January 4, 2010
Dallas is going back to school
Sunday, January 3, 2010
New Years
Sean and I enjoyed a nice adult New Year's Eve. We went to the movies and saw It's Complicated and then went over our to our neighbor Jerry's house. What a fun night we had! And we actually stayed up until midnight this year. My parents took the kids to the lakehouse for the night.

New Years Day I spent nesting and getting lots done. I refurbished an old dresser for the nursery and painted more on the walls to decorate it. I will post pictures soon!

New Years Day Jessica, Bart and their 4 kids joined us at the lakehouse and we had a great weekend together. If only we lived in the same town!
The kids had a great time together, everyone has their own partner to play with and next time little Jeannie will have Sydney to play with. 
Bonnie and Boston making a scavenger hunt
Dallas and Barrett making sand castles on the beach
We went to Mt Dora and saw all the lights, the kids had a blast playing outside (even in the cold.) Its just always so much fun to get together and we will miss them until next time.

Friday, January 1, 2010
A new year!!
It's a new year and its about time I got back to blogging. Last year was a long year full of so much. It made it really hard to find the time to blog and keep up with everything. But I feel like I'm forgetting so much and its about time to start documenting it again (and try and play catch up to last year.)
Last year was a year of learning I would say. When I started 2009 off we were in the midst of a lot of testing for Dallas to see what was causing all his behavior issues. After MRI's, EKG's, blood work, neuropsyhc testing and more he was finally diagnosed SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) and PDD. I started the whole processing saying I thought he had SPD...mom's always have an intuition as to what is wrong right? So then we began OT and tried Behavioral Therapy. We came a long way through the year but ended it rough, then trying to figure out what else we can do to help him (diet, different therapies, etc.) I've learned so much but still have a long way to go with him.
More learning came when we decided to homeschool the boys and I shifted and put on the teacher hat. It's defiantly been a learning process daily as to what works and what doesn't but it's been pretty successful all in all.
It was also a year of healing (still morning my miscarriage from August) and then much excitement when we found out I was pregnant again mid year. And even more exciting to find out we were having a girl around my birthday.
That's a very brief summary of 2009 with much anticipation to the joy that 2010 brings. Now to apply all the gained knowledge and keep taking steps forward.
So here I am...36 1/2 weeks pregnant and awaiting another change in our family. I am still in shock that it's a girl and not sure I will totally believe it until she's curled up in my arms. I've been in total nesting mood since Christmas is over trying to make all the necessary preparations and finish her room. My to do list is a mile long so there's much to be done!
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