While in worship we sand the song, "Blessed be the name of the Lord." Since having miscarried this song has new meaning to me and a few weeks ago brought me to my knees crying. In the song there's a verse that says, "You give and take away. You give and take away. My heart will choose to say Lord, blessed be your name." This week I found much healing, especially while attending the prayer get together we had on Wednesday night. I so badly didn't want to go (of course that was the devil trying to stop me because he knew how healing and uplifting this time would be!) But today I was able to sing it with joy (not sadness). I was able to praise God for how good He is. I was able to thank him for unconditional love, even when I was angry at Him for causing me this pain and taking my baby away. I trust Him fully and I can rest in that trust. I realize as I write this that I never took the time to recount what happened on Wednesday night.
Wednesday night we ended our study of MasterLife 1 (the first book of 4) by having a time of prayer together. We started reading the Word aloud and sang a hymn. Then we had some individual time in prayer and reading. I talked to God and was very transparent and open with Him. Then I opened the bible. I was drawn to Psalm 121, which I had been reminded this week of and felt God calling me to read it but I just hadn't taken the time. I was reminded of verse 3-4 "He will not let your foot slip-he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep."
Then I looked up Joy in the back because this is my word for the year (last year it was peace-and God taught me A LOT about peace last year and by the Holy Spirit He gave me a lot of it!) I was then lead to 1 Thessalonians 5:16-22 "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not put out the Spirit's fire, do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil" Wow. This was exactly what I needed to hear. It was as if God was talking clearly to me. I am to be JOYFUL ALWAYS, PRAY CONTINUALLY AND GIVE THANKS IN EVERY CIRCUMSTANCE because it's GODS WILL!!!!! Can't get much clearer than that. I think these will be words I live by everyday from here on out!
Then my dear friend Tiffanie and I got to pray together and for each other. What a blessing this time was for me! I'm so blessed to have such great spiritually full friends that we are able to worship God together. You can't get much closer than that!
Then it was the time in the evening that each person sits down in a chair individually and everyone else stands around them and lays hands on them and prays outloud for them. When I sat down for my turn they asked what prayer requests I have. I asked for them to pray for me as it's been very hard for me lately with the upcoming old due date approaching and also for our decision regarding Boston's schooling next year (whether we should send him back to Oakland or homeschool.) First our teacher prayed for me and it was just the most awesome thing ever! I wish I could remember all that she said. But just know that God knew exactly what I needed to hear and he said it through her (and then Tiffanie and Karen that prayed for me next.) A funny thing she said while praying was "Lord give Cricket peace in their decision to homeschool next year." I thought, "we haven't made that decision yet." Then I thought, "I wonder if that was God talking to me?" Later Tiffanie said to me, "I think Dawn made the decision for you tonight!" Dawn also prayed for the boys, for their salvation and for their future wives. Oh what a blessing that was!!! Tiffanie also did an awesome job of praying over me regarding our lost baby and asked for peace for me and for me to fill God's arms wrapped around me. Karen asked for Him to heal my pain. I so wish I could remember all that they said, but I do know that they for sure interceded for me and God spoke to me that night. I've had peace and felt comfort and closure in all aspects of my life. What a blessing it was that I can hardly even explain.
Boston just walked in and was singing this song (which I don't think I've ever heard before-they must have sung it this morning and he has it totally memorized.) What a blessing when God speaks love and comfort to you through your own children. What an awesome God he is.
Here's what he was singing:"You are my best friend that I can ever known. When you died for me. Up on that cross you took away my sins and shame. I'm going to clap my hands to show I love you. Gonna shout out loud gonna sing your praise. You are everything to me. Jesus I love your name."
I only wish everyone I knew could know God's love like I feel I do. Doesn't mean times won't get hard or that I won't feel pain or suffering but I can look to Him and give thanks in all circumstances because I know His love for me is more than I will ever know!
1 comment:
That was an awesome synopsis of the evening! I'm so glad we got to be prayer partners...I continue to pray for you daily!!!
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