Asher LOVES to eat. He will go to the kitchen on many occasions throughout the day and stand at his highchair begging to get in by saying over and over again, "EAT! EAT! EAT!" He even tried his hardest to climb up into it. He's an eating machine like his big brother Boston. And he knows when he wants something and when he doesn't. He's quick to toss it overboard if he doesn't want it. For the most part he's a very good eater. He'll eat most every fruit, a good variety of veggies and most anything we eat. And he's been eating with a fork and spoon for a few months now and I really like this because I don't have to feed him anymore. Most of the time you will find him with a fork in one and and the spoon in the other, shoveling it in as fast as he can!

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