Yes I know it's already February but I've had these in my head but not really following through. I thought maybe if I put them on my blog for myself to actually "see" and others to hold me accountable then maybe they would start happening! LOL
1. Lose 15 lbs. Still have some more baby weight to go. But I'm working out 5 days a week to make this happen. I think I might also do 2 days of pilates
2. Read the New Testament. I usually make my resolution to read the bible all the way through, so this year I decided to make the goal a little smaller and maybe it would work. I actually bought a small "Read the New Testament in one year, five minutes a day..for Busy Moms". I thought..."well I can do that!"
3. Eat healthier. Since I've been either pregnant or breastfeeding since 2002 (yes, can you believe that!) I sort of "treat" myself to a lot of BAD FOOD. Coca Cola and chocolate being my worst temptation. Sugar in general is my downfall. But I've vowed to concer it this year and become the healthier eater I know I have inside of me...somewhere...below the sugar.
4. Read 12 books this year. I usually start a book and read about 3 chapters and get distracted by my life and never finish. So I figured 1 book a month is a pretty good goal. I'm half way through my first.
5. Pray with the boys more. We do all our meals but I really want to take the time to pray about anything and everything that might be happening so they will know they can talk to him anytime, anywhere about anything.
6. Get closer to God...really this would be my #1 goal. To spend time with him everyday.
7. Memorize 4 bible verses a month. I need more ammunition to fight spirtual battles the devil throughs my way.
8. Write thank you notes in a more timely manner....ugh...for some reason this is very hard for me. Not that I'm not thankful, but actually writing it on paper for some reason takes me forever.
9. Get rid of any clutter. How I will do this is by throwing away 1 trash bag of clutter and donating 1 bag a week. That ought to do it!
10. Have 2 date nights a month with Sean
11. Go to Disney and Sea World once a month with the kids
12. Make digital scrapbooks of the boys (the only scrapbook I've actually done for them was Boston's 1st year..horrible...so I would like to at least be up to date on this by the end of the year) So that's 8 years worth to do. Boston 2nd, 3rd, 4th years; Dallas 1st, 2nd, 3rd; Asher 1st; and family blog book. So I'll plan on one a month. Here's my schedule:
Feb-Family 2007
March-Dallas 1 year
April-Boston 2 year
May-Asher 1 year
June- Dallas 2
July-Boston 3
August-Dallas 3
Sept-Boston 4
Oct-Asher (start on second year)
So that's 12 resolutions. More than enough. For all 12 months of the year.
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