Friday, February 29, 2008
Jess comes to visit / Disney
After getting the kids ready for bath last night I got a surprise call from Jessica that she was 45 minutes away from O-town, she lives in Miami. I knew we were going to try and get together today because she was shooting a commercial for Brighthouse but what a great surprise that she was here last night. So she came over and we had the best time together. Sean went to play pool with some guys so it was just us girls. I soooo wish she lived closer! There's nothing like spending time with one of your best friends! I helped her get your blog started and I look forward to being a part of her daily fun as she documents homeschooling. (The plan originally was that we would be homeschooling together...that was until we recently changed our plans).
Then she came back over this morning since the commercial got cancelled and we got to spend the whole morning together! Ya Ya Ya! Thanks again for coming up Jess!
After school Sean and I took the boys to Disney for the evening. Tons of fun like usual, who doesn't have fun at Disney. Only bummer is that Peter Pan is closed for refurbishment...hope it's open soon, I know two boys that are pretty bummed. But Dallas road the kiddie roller coaster again, its been a while since he's wanted to. Sean said he was screaming with laughter, he said it was HILARIOUS!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Checking out the schools together
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Where to send our kids to school???
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Girls night out
3rd tooth

Monday, February 25, 2008
Boston talks about babies
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Dinner guest: The Heltons
Friday, February 22, 2008
Beverly Bradley
We control at the same level we fear
We serve to the level we trust
Luke 1:14 We can serve God without fear
Power and control is deadly and the story of Jezebel in 1Kings
God doesn't MAKE things Peaceful....HE IS PEACE
Psalm 37 (Read it...its amazing..if you don't have your bible out look it up on
To be sure that your way, your plans have to happen will result in HAVIC
You want your kids to be drawn to Jesus through you...because you glow and radiate because of Him
When we obey and trust God our family will be blessed
Where you are right now is exactly where you are suppossed to be so he can show Himself to you!
Me writing about it doesn't even do it justice. If you are really interested in the talk they taped it and are selling it on cd for $20 (that includes shipping). Just write to them on their website about the taping from First Baptist Orlando.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Walking in my shoes....
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Weekend Update
Sunday we made another trip to IKEA, this time the boys and I stayed in the car while daddy went in for supplies. Then Sean spent most of the day putting the desk tops together. Boston was so funny, he went and got all his tools to help out. Dallas and him made it their job to take the tape of the boxes to get to the project. It was really cute to watch. I did a lot of playing inside and out (of course with the Stitelers...boy to all 5 of them love to play together.)
Friday, February 15, 2008
Asher's 9 months old yesterday
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Boston the ladies man
Weekend work
Monday, February 11, 2008
Asher crawled for the FIRST TIME!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Another fun friday
I'm trying to teach Boston to include him, but I know sometimes he will need to just be able to play with a friend without having to include Dallas. So today I tried to play with Dallas more while JT was here to make sure he wasn't left out. It worked really well. Next year JT and Dallas will be going to the same school so maybe they will have a chance to bond more with each other then.
I thought today was going to be the day that Asher started crawling. He was really getting himself ready! He even tried to pull himself up on the couch today to reach a bell one of the boys left. He just loves that bell. Mainly because he wants to chew on it (another metal object for his teething!) He was so proud of himself I had to snap a pic.
Boston got all greens at school and was just so excited to show mommy and daddy. I just love his face when he has something proud to show can see him looking for that "I'm so proud of you"....and he LIGHTS UP! I just love it! When we got home Teresa called to see if I wanted to send the boys over to play but we just ended up all hanging out together and heading to the new playground in the neighborhood next to ours. Its so great to have them as neighbors with kids our same age. Fun for the kids...good adult time for us!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
2008 Renovate
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
God speaks to me
I can remember two moments in my life (more recently) that God spoke clearly to me and the peace that came over me was overwelming. One situation was back when Boston was 3 and Dallas was 18 months I was planning on putting them both in the Mom's Day Out program at our church (by the way...this isn't a free program like it used to be when I was a expensive!) Anyhow...Sean and I had discussed it (notice I didn't discuss it with God) and decided it would be a good thing. But on one praticularly stressful day with the kids, a VERY stressful day with the kids, I was in the middle of the living room floor crying out to God "Why does this have to be so hard." And just as clear as day he answered, "It doesn't have to be. You are making it this hard. Don't enroll the boys in Mom's Day out next year and you will be blessed." PEACE Peace like a river flowed into my soul and my heart was happy and still. And then my human head kicked back in with a million questions and contraditions to why that would not be a good thing. "Really?" I answered. "How can NOT putting them in help me out?" This was in May. I planned on following His plan, but never actually told the school. Thinking maybe God would change his mind (The $160 in deposits was not refundable). But come August God had not spoke any differently to me about it and I called the program and told them I would not be putting either of the boys in. And what an awesome year it was with them. I got pregnant that summer with Asher and my first trimester was so tiring. I couldn't have imagined trying to get everyone up and out the door 3 days a week. It would have been so stressful, all the rushing and driving. We had a wonderful time together, especially before adding another member to the family. I hope to hear God more clearly now so I can be blessed with peace like that more often. When I'm on God's path for me it all just make since.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Brian Regan
I talked about Brian Regan the other day and thought I would post a clip of him. So funny about the show Dora the Explorer
Sunday, February 3, 2008
New Years Resolutions

Saturday, February 2, 2008
IKEA date

another singer
Sitting up

Waffles and Persistant Dallas
This morning I was awoke by Dallas at 6am requesting waffles. I walked, half awake, to the kitchen to find that I had forgotten that we don't have any. I informed Dallas of the situation and offered raison toast instead, but like the presistent child that he is he insisted on waffles. Let me go down now saying that this child is going to be an awesome business/sales man someday because he IS the MOST persistant person I know. No NEVER means no in Dallas' world. It just means ask again...and again...and again....100 times until the person blows a fuse. Its especially annoying when it's 6am and you just want to crawl back into bed (especially since dumb me stayed up past midnight..DUMB) So...with the mommy not so happy face I informed him (for the about 30th time) that we don't have any waffles. He finally gave in to the raison toast, anticipating mom's head combusing with pure frustration. I crawled back to my bed for about 30 more minutes of sleep when I was awoken by Boston in Asher room hanging out. What is it with my early risers?????'s now 2:30pm and Dallas has continued to ask for waffles all day. It's not just waffles with Dallas. He's very persistant with everything. I think this will be a good trait for him in the future. He will be very successful....that is...if he can survive the 3s!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Wes and Suzanne came over for dinner tonight. We had a great time hanging out with them. The guys were too tired to play cards so we just hung out and then watched a dvd of Brian that our friend John had loaned to Sean. What a hilarious guy!!!