Eating breakfast....Boston had rainbow oatmeal (our Saturday tradition of adding sprinkles to their oatmeal). Dallas wanted a rainbow waffle instead. And Asher was waiting for mommy to put the camera down so he could have his prunes!!

My three sons! Aren't they cute all dressed for Thanksgiving. Happy 1st Thanksgiving little Asher!

Boy does he LOVE his little brother, and boy does he love his big brother!

We had Thanksgiving lunch at Sean's parents, including his Grandma Blanche and his brother Chad and his wife Lauren. The boys loved playing with all the toys and in this pic they are watching the newly released movie Ratatouille (they had never seen it so they were very much into it). Lunch was great. Dallas still wasn't feeling so great so he layed on the couch. Poor thing, it's horrible when you feel bad during the holidays.
Asher even ate some baby food apples for the first time today! I can remember back when we had Thanksgiving early at Sean's parents for Boston's 1st thanksgiving (before heading up to Suzanne's family's house in the mountains) and he was about 9 months old and ate his first meat there, turkey. And at this Thanksgiving I look at him and can't believe where the time has gone! So much to be thankful for this year. Wonderful growing family and a great life!
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