Thursday, November 29, 2007
Eating with Asher
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Gifts from Aunt Margie

Outside lights
Christmas Cookies
Cookie dough - the key to my soul
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Day 4-Christmas spirit has ARRIVED!
Monday, November 26, 2007
One of those days
But we did have SOME fun today! We took the car into the dealership and the kids got to run around in the lobby (yes, this was fun to them) Then we went to Walmart and they looked at all the Christmas decorations and even watched the rollercoaster game go up and down (TONS OF FUN). Boston went back to school and we greated with a very loud group of friends with "BOSTON'S HERE!!!!" He's a popular little boy. Then as we were playing in the front yard after school our neighbors, the Stitlers, came by and we joined them at the neighborhood playground, where lots of fun was to be had. Here's to a fun day tomorrow!!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Day 2 of getting in the Christmas Spirit
"Wow, they are so colorful!"
When I went to the garage to find the star to put on top Boston was so excited. He said, "Thank you so much for finding our star mommy! It's just so beautiful." And it makes all the disobeying of the entire day just melt away....that's what it's all about. Sean had a horrible headache and feel asleep on the couch in the middle of all of it
Notice how all of the ornaments are hanging near the the morning it probably won't be that way anymore. (Perfectionist in me)
I also brought out a few other Christmas items along with The Boys Christmas Box (I put all their christmas toys, books and nativity set in here.) The hit was the Fisher Price nativity set, which we bought last year but they never really fully understood. Boston was really into it this year. I read him the story and he acted it out with all the characters. It was so much fun to watch him get it and understand. As he was unpacking it he yelled to me, "Look mommy, it's baby Jesus!" Some other hit items were gifts from Aunt Margie. Of course she always knows the perfect gifts to send the boys. They were especially intreged with last years toy Santa the moves and tells "The Night Before Christmas" story. It's about 10 minutes long and they would sit there, in a trance, watching Santa tell them the story. Dallas even stayed longer and gave Santa a hug and kiss for the story.
My freshman year in college my roommate Michelle and I bought some Christmas crafts to do to decorate our tree. I still had one kit left over that we never used and Boston found it. It was a kit to make these ornaments you had in the window as sun catchers. He had a great time painting them today.
Asher new food: Carrots
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Christmas Decorating
Afterward we decided to take it easy and have family movie night. I had picked up Ratatoulle at the store. What a great movie! This was our first time watching it and we all enjoyed it. I think it might just be my favorite cartoon movie so far. Great!
Neighborhood Camp
Thanks again girls for a great time!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Johnny's back in town

They sure loved playing together
Ellie loved Asher, and he sure loved her. Aunt Nancy was holding them.
Chad, Ellie, Dallas and Lauren
Thursday, November 22, 2007
1st Thanksgiving at my house
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Aunt Karen's quilt
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thanksgiving Rug
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Late to church
A night off
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Garcia's over for Dinner
Tonight the Garcia Family came over for pizza and fun. First we all went out in the backyard to run around and the kids had a blast. Boy did they all have a lot of energy! We have really been enjoying our backyard so much for the past week (I think mainly since it's not so HOT). We usually always play in the front yard, but now that our pond has dried up there's even more room to run. It's at least as big as a football field out there! The boys have started riding their trikes down the hill in our yard and this is a great deal of fun that they introduced to Israel, Amaya and Jonah. I myself remember sleding down the hill in my backyard growing up. Guess this will be our Florida version of sleding! And it was funny how all the boys fought over who got to play with the PINK ball while the only girl, Amaya, played with a truck in the sand! I know the boys really enjoyed playing with them and look forward having them come play again soon. And of course mommy and daddy enjoyed the company of some fun adults like Juan and Rebecca. And it was cute to watch little Asher interact with their little Lucas. It will be fun to watch them play once Asher is crawling as well. Thanks again for joining us tonight and for the awesome Brownie Mountain guys!!!