Peter Pan aka Boston

Captain Hook aka Dallas

The Crocodille aka Asher

This year the boys wanted to be Peter Pan and Captain Hook and they decided Asher should be the crocodille, Mommy Tinkerbell and daddy a pirate. So the boys all got costumes and mommy and daddy got shirts with pictures of their characters. We went to our church's Fall Festival like we have every year since Boston was born. This was the best year yet! The boys had soooo much fun. Uncle "Hes" also met us there and they jumped in bounce houses, road slides and rides, trick or treated, played games and won prizes and candy galore! They each had a bag full!! They got to see a lot of their friends there as well.

Uncle Hes and the boys
When we got home we also Trick or Treated to a few neighbors houses. They love ringing the door bell and saying "trick or treat" (in my mind I'm always saying "Smell my feet, give me something good to eat." I just hope I don't accidently say it outloud one year!) They were especially excited to see Gabi next door, Dallas just walked right into the house. "Um, Dallas, you aren't suppossed to actually go INTO the house."

Sean and I were reminising about our childhood and trick or treating and how the streets of the neighborhood would be filled with children all dressed up. It was pretty empty in our neighborhood and quite. Oh well, I guess that's why we have Fall Festivals now.
1 comment:
I wish we had gone to your church's event last night. :)
Our neighborhood was really empty.
Both our girls were Tinkerbell, it would have fit right in w/ you guys! :)
Here's a pic of them as Tinkerbell:
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