I'm ready mom!
I think I'm going to like this! Finally some REAL food.
Hummm, does this go in my mouth or on my face?
Boston helping out and loving getting to feed his baby brother. What a HUGE help he is!!!

My baby at his first rice cereal today! Can you believe it! He turned 4 months on the 14th and he's been eyeing our food like a hawk for weeks now. When I took him in for his 4 month check up on Monday the doctor said that he's ready to eat since he's got such great control of his head, follows food around, and has stopped sleeping through the night. (He had been sleeping for 13 hours a night for over 2 months!) So as much as I wanted to wait until he was 6 months old like his older brothers he just was so ready to start. And it showed when I first did it today! While me and the boys were eating dinner I let Asher try the rice cereal. And unlike Boston and Dallas that really had no interest, he went CRAZY for it! I've never seen anything like it. He would open his mouth and move his head toward me for more. And if I wasn't fast enough in getting it to his mouth he would start crying. It was so funny. I got it on video so maybe I'll figure out how to post that. He ate ALL OF IT! And that truely was amazing to me. I don't think the boys even ate 1 tablespoon let alone all 3 tablespoon (that's what they suggest you start with). So I guess that was confirmation that he really was ready. So we will see how well he sleeps tonight. It was so much fun feeding a baby that wants that food. Dallas never actually ate baby food. He refused it profusely. Doctor told us to wait until 9 months and go right to table food. Boston did enjoy it but I don't think as much as Asher did tonight! So bring on the baby food!!!
4 month stats: Weight:17.14lbs Height: 26 1/2 Head: 43 1/4
(Another tall Whitman boy!)
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