I truely believe that being a mom is the hardest job in the world. Not that I'm not saying that other peoples jobs are easy, but when you are a mom you are shaping your child into who he will become. Talk about stress. Never ending wondering if you are doing everything right. I struggle with this everyday. Am I doing enough? Am I being a good example of character? Am I feeding them right? Am I teaching them all they need to know? Am I being the best mom I can be? Ugh...it could drive a person crazy. So everyday, I get down on my knees and pray to God that he will give me peace and trust in Him that he picked me to be Boston, Dallas and Asher's mommy and I'm the best one for it. And I pray that if I do mess up, which I will and do, that they won't remember those things but only the good things I do. I know God will give me a lot of grace because being a mommy is a tough and draining job.....and yet THE MOST rewarding job in the WORLD! So as much as I might wonder where my acting or photography career would be now, that just doesn't matter. All that matters is that through Sean and I's love we have been blessed with an even more amazing love 3 times over! How blessed we are to have been given the three kids that he gave us. Oh how much I love them. It's amazing how much love you can possess for a little 8lb baby as soon as it comes out of your body and into this world. It's a true testiment of God's great love for us.
Today as been a trying day of discipling that is always challenging and draining on me. Boston is tapping into a new side of himself. A side with sass and attitude (and tongues sticking out!). So I'm trying to mold him into a little boy that can control his temper and attitude and not just do whatever he feels. Oh what a huge job that is. But I know we will get there and someday he will channel all that passion in a good way and we will be so proud of him.
Today as been a trying day of discipling that is always challenging and draining on me. Boston is tapping into a new side of himself. A side with sass and attitude (and tongues sticking out!). So I'm trying to mold him into a little boy that can control his temper and attitude and not just do whatever he feels. Oh what a huge job that is. But I know we will get there and someday he will channel all that passion in a good way and we will be so proud of him.
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