A friend of mine from high school days came to visit tonight with his wife Penny and there 9 week old twin girls. Boy were they cute! And the boys got a kick out of them as well. I also had wished and thought I would have twins and now maybe I know why. Maybe God realized one at a time was enough for me to handle right now. But boy could I just eat them up they were so cute. It was also great getting to spend time with Rusty and Penny. It was like a childcare with all the babies in the house though! Asher especially loved "hanging" out with the twins and we got some great pictures of them together.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Love letter from Sean
I have to brag on my husband a little today. He wrote me the sweetest email last week and it put a little extra spring in my step. What an awesome husband and daddy he is. I can't ever thank him enough for working so hard that I can stay at home and raise our beautiful boys!
You're incredible. Proverbs 31 talks about how a Godly woman was a respected woman in her own right and that she bought and sold merchandise. Did you know that the bible is describing you!! "Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. Her husband trusts her management of their resources. Her industriousness adds to the family income." This is you!!!!
And finally, "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." I love you babe. You are truly awesome and I look forward to many blessed years of success and happiness and fruitfulness.
Love forever, sean
You're incredible. Proverbs 31 talks about how a Godly woman was a respected woman in her own right and that she bought and sold merchandise. Did you know that the bible is describing you!! "Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. Her husband trusts her management of their resources. Her industriousness adds to the family income." This is you!!!!
And finally, "Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." I love you babe. You are truly awesome and I look forward to many blessed years of success and happiness and fruitfulness.
Love forever, sean
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Chocolate, Weight Loss & 3 kids
I'm sitting here writing this eating M&Ms from my "fun size" package I found after scavaging the kitchen for chocolate. Who came up with the label "fun size" for the tiny little package that only contains about 10 M&Ms? I think a "fun size" should be about the size of the one you get at the movie theatre...ya.... THAT would be a fun size! In my attempt to lose the rest of the baby weight and I have gotten rid of all the chocolate, cookies and ice cream. Yes I know....not a lot of "fun" in my house. But with my hormones COMPLETELY out of wack this morning I was in a desperate search to find chocolate to change that. I don't know why that helps....but it sure does! Some people may be addicted to alchohol or drugs but I'm addicted to sugar. Ugh...if only it were good for you!
I also have some theories on why it's harder to lose the weight this time around. (I do have to cut myself some slack though....it's only been 3 months.) But for some reason the extra weight is driving me crazy this time around. So my reasons why:
Now if I can only figure out how to stop the grey hairs from growing on my head!!!
I also have some theories on why it's harder to lose the weight this time around. (I do have to cut myself some slack though....it's only been 3 months.) But for some reason the extra weight is driving me crazy this time around. So my reasons why:
- I will be 30 next month! My metabolism probably is slowing down as much as the idea of that makes me a little nervous
- I have 3 kids to watch after.....who wouldn't want some chocolate, sugar or caffenine to get through the day!
- Finding time to work out with 3 is a lot harder. That's why I'm getting up at 5:45 AM to do it. So I have at least found a solution to this problem.
Now if I can only figure out how to stop the grey hairs from growing on my head!!!
New Haircut
I got all my hair chopped off yesterday. I was ready for a change....and in desperate need of a shorter cut that wouldn't require as much time to do. (With three kids now....it was almost impossible to wash and dry that crazy mane!) So here's a picture that Boston took of me this morning. He thinks my haircut is funny and looks like someone. He doesn't know "who" that "someone" is, but I look like "someone."

Monday, August 27, 2007
Asher in outside swing...1st time!
New pet hampster
Yesterday we took the boys to the pet store and decided to get them a hamster. Boston decided to name our hamster John. Don't ask where he got that from....I have no idea. But he was pretty insistent that his name should be John.
So meet our new pet hamster John. Hopefully he'll live long with our cat!
So meet our new pet hamster John. Hopefully he'll live long with our cat!
Working out

On Friday I started working out on a schedule. I have been working out here and there, whenever I can have someone watch the kids, or I will push Dallas and Asher and Boston rides his bike. But I've started working out at Planet Fitness at least 3times a week. I'm going with two girlfriends at 6:15am! I know it sounds crazy but the boys go at 5am....that's even crazier! But that way we tag team who is watching the kids. So far I've done it two times and it's great. I feel great and have much more energy. Hopefully now that lingering extra baby weight will finally find its way OFF MY BODY!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Biblical Childrearing
I took this picture this morning before church. Aren't they the most handsome boys!
In my attempt to raise my children the way we feel they should be raised I have turned to God even more since they are getting older. I'm looking to scripture for answers on how to handle every situation and finding everything I need there. And then I tell the boys what God says and that I didn't make up the rules, He did, and we need to obey them. The other day Boston was whining about something so I told him that in Titus 2:12 it talks about "ungodliness" and "self-control". I them told him that whining is an ungodly form of communication and God wants him to use self control, even with his voice. Of course don't think I am the master and memorizing scripture, as much as I would like to be. I have this wonderful chart called "Wise Words for moms" by Ginger Plowman. It gives the child's behavior, heart probing questions to ask them, the reproof, encouragement and additional verses. It's wonderful! I highly recommend it. The boys (especially Boston because he's a little older) really listen when I explain what God says about something in the bible. His ears just perk right up and he wants to know what God has to say.
So I continue on my quest!
"She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." Proverbs 31:26
So I continue on my quest!
"She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." Proverbs 31:26
Like father, like son
Kathleen and Sheppard visit
Kathleen came to visit Thursday with her first baby, Sheppard, who is 6 weeks old. Robbie (her husband) and Kathleen went to college with Sean. We are so excited that they have entered into parenthood now!! Little Sheppard looks so much like mommy and daddy, especially his smile that looks just like Robbie. It was a lot of fun visiting together.
End of story....AMEN
When I read a story to Dallas or even if he's reading his own book, at the end of the book he loves to say "AMEN!" It is so cute. I've got to get it on video to so you all can hear how cute it is. And it's also wonderful to hear them pray.
We also pray at all our meals and they fight over who gets to pray first. Dallas used to always say, "Dear Jesus....(then he would pray for a lot of different things that we weren't sure what he was saying and then we always heard very clearly)...thank you for the monorail (he loves the monorail at Disney), AMEN!" Boston's prayer is usually the same at mealtime, "Dear Jesus, thank you for this wonderful day and please take care of Daddy while he's a work." Sometimes he also likes to add "and for all daddy's friends at work". He likes to pray for his co-workers. He came up with this one on his own. And while my dad was in the hospital Boston also said a prayer that God would take care of Papa. My little Warriors for Christ! Amen!
We also pray at all our meals and they fight over who gets to pray first. Dallas used to always say, "Dear Jesus....(then he would pray for a lot of different things that we weren't sure what he was saying and then we always heard very clearly)...thank you for the monorail (he loves the monorail at Disney), AMEN!" Boston's prayer is usually the same at mealtime, "Dear Jesus, thank you for this wonderful day and please take care of Daddy while he's a work." Sometimes he also likes to add "and for all daddy's friends at work". He likes to pray for his co-workers. He came up with this one on his own. And while my dad was in the hospital Boston also said a prayer that God would take care of Papa. My little Warriors for Christ! Amen!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
Asher pulling up
Asher laughing at Boston
I realized the other day that the only "tummy time" Asher was getting was when he was sleeping. Yes, he sleeps on his tummy, just like all the rest of my babies. None of them would sleep well on their backs and I figured Sean and I survived just fine sleeping on our tummy's. Anyhow....today when Asher woke up in the morning Boston ran in the room like he normally does to say "good morning!" And Asher was pulling himself up so well to look at him. This was the first time he's done that. So we put a blanket on the floor and sure enough he did it again. It was so cute! Boy is my little baby growing up! Soon he will be rolling over and crawling.
He's also started blowing bubbles with his mouth trying to make that sound. It's so cute to watch him try and do this. He gets so tickled pink by it.
Playing in the rain
We were planning on playing in our Backyardagains Pablo sprinkler after Boston's school today but God had otherwise. A HUGE rain storm came in. So when we got home I let the boys run around and play in the rain (it wasn't lightening yet). They made up this game where they say they are putting on their shells (like a turtle) to protect them from the rain. It was so cute I had to put some pictures of it on here. They ran up and down the side walk having so much fun playing together.
Boston Red Sox
or shall I say SOCKS! Boston LOVES to take peoples socks off and his newest fetish is taking baby Asher's socks off. So if you see me around and Asher doesn't have any socks on its because Boston takes them off and then I can never find them because they are so tiny! Forget the sock monster....he holds nothing on Boston!
Asher asleep on Mommy
Asher fell asleep laying on me today and I relished the moment. I know if won't be much longer that he will do this. And I will miss this so. The smell and feeling of your little baby all curled up on top of you. The happiness they feel as they relax and listen to my heartbeat. What a wonderful feeling! I already am starting to miss my little sack of potatoes that is holding his head up oh so well these days.
Sleep Walking Dallas
Today Dallas was taking a nap and I was on the computer getting some things done. I heard his door open and waited for him to come in and say hi. But he didn't. So I went looking for him and I found him on the floor in my bathroom fast asleep with his face planted right down in his "wawa" aka a blankie. He slept there for another whole hour! How funny is that! I wonder if I will find him other places in the future. I remember my brother used to slept walk in the middle of the night and once my mom couldn't find him anywhere....he was finally found in a chair, under the dining room table. Oh the adventures to come!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
New Website!
I have a new and improved website for Cricket's Photo Art and Photography! Ya! It's not completely finished (descriptions for the products have to be added) but wanted to pass it on to you all. Still the same web address. Please pass on to any friends you have!
Dallas new game
Dallas has a new game he plays. Since we put up the bunk beds I piled all their big stuffed animals in a corner in the playroom/office. Now he will come and ask me if he can by with the "doll boys". He just came up with that name this week. So funny. And he will go in there, sit in the middle of them and talk and play with them. Too cute! Dallas is my child that loves the stuffed animals, Boston could care less about them. I love how different each child is!
Dallas also has been doing so much better with obeying. It's amazing. And such a relief. Of course now I'm entering into unchartered territory as Boston is starting to pick up on some bad things that other kids are doing at school and church. Attitude issues mainly. So I'm gathering up all the scripture I can find so discipline and explain why a bad attitude is not a character trait you want to aquire. Wish me luck!
Dallas also has been doing so much better with obeying. It's amazing. And such a relief. Of course now I'm entering into unchartered territory as Boston is starting to pick up on some bad things that other kids are doing at school and church. Attitude issues mainly. So I'm gathering up all the scripture I can find so discipline and explain why a bad attitude is not a character trait you want to aquire. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The "E" family came to visit
Today Emily came to visit with all three of her kids (Ellie, Evan and Everett). Emily is related to me because her sister married my brother....so we are sort of sister-in-laws I guess. Our first borns were born on the same day, second borns are 2 months apart and our 3rd kids are 1 month apart. So we have kind of entered into and gone through motherhood together. The kids had a great time seeing each other and playing. It's been a long time since we had gotten to see them and it was a nice visit. We got to swim at Nena and Papa's this morning and then play and have dinner at our house this afternoon.
Above is the funniest picture. My brother Wes (who my boys call Uncle Hes) gave them a bunch of cell phones because he works for Cingular. They went around the house and collected as many as they could find and them came out in a single file line all talking on their cell phones!! It was soooo funny! Thank you Uncle Hes!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Boston's 1st day of Preschool!
Today was Boston's first day of Preschool! Wow....how exciting. I even had butterflies in my stomach as we were pulling into the school. He couldn't get to his class fast enough. He was just so thrilled the day was finally here. He has been wanting to go to school for so long. He has been carring his backpack around all last week getting ready. And today he couldn't wait to show his teacher "Ms Sue" his NEW backpack and his NEW shoes. Here's a link to some pictures from dropping him off and his first day of school outfit. I'm just so glad for the teacher he got and the wonderful school. And I'm even more happy that he's so excited about school. I hope it always stays that way.
It was really nice having a few hours without having to take care of any kids. I got so much done! I can't believe I'll have 5 days a week like this!
After school I took the boys to get ice cream at Twistee Treat. They LOVED this! I thought I would make this a tradition every year on the first day of school. I think a lot of other people do this as well because there were so many people there. And our ice cream melted so fast in the 102 degree heat!
Click here to see photos of today:
http://share.shutterfly.com/action/welcome?sid=8AYsWzhw0aNGhpSunday, August 19, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
4 kids in the house today
Boston and Dallas' friend Jake came over to play today because his parents had to go to a funeral. Adding one more boy in the house really wasn't a whole lot different, just a little more loud...LOL Boys sure are active.
I made a new track and they played on it for over an hour! Time well spent!!
They go from one thing to the next with the attention span of about 5 minutes. I can't imagine what it would be like to have a calm and quiet little girl that sits on the floor and plays with her dolls for hours. I think I might nickname out house "animal house." But I sure do love their energy. I would be worried if they weren't so active. Thank God for little boys!!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Shopping for school
I had to take the boys to the mall today to get somethings for Boston for school (clothes and shoes). So I put Asher in the baby bjorn attached to me and put the big boys in the stroller. Thank goodness my mom surprised us and showed up because it wasn't long after we were there that Boston started to have an attitude with me. He seems to be picking up some bad habits from some other kids. It was a lot easier to discipline with my mom there to help out. We were then off to get closed toed shoes. We haven't worn those since winter.....it's just too hot in Florida so we where sandals all the time. They didn't have any that lite up in his size so he tired on the other ones. He was a little bummed that they didn't lite up so I told him these were "super fast" shoes. They would make him run faster. So off he was, running up and down the aisle to "test run" them. So we have clothes, shoes and a backpack....I think we are ready for Monday!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Buying a backpack for a preschooler
Today we went to Target to get a backpack for school. We went to target because I knew they had Thomas the Train backpacks and I figured that was what he would want. But the Thomas backpack was too small so I said, "which one do you like Boston." He looked at the wall full of backpacks and picked out the Pirates of the Caribean one that's black and red with a scary skull on the front (he's really into pirates right now-but never seen this movie). I steered him away from this one, a little to scary I think. Then he wanted the Kermit the Frog one because we have been watching The Muppets Treasure Island that we checked out at the library. But I think he will be over Kermit pretty soon. I think showed him a Safari one with a compass like pirates use. That's all I had to say. So we have our backpack!!
Meet Boston's teacher
We met Boston's preschool teacher today, Ms. Sue. At first Boston was a little nervous about school but once he went into her room that all went away. Now he can't wait. She had a tool station with play power tools and Thomas the Trains. He was sold! Their class is called the Dolphin Class. And I have volunteered to be the homeroom mom. Since we are postponing homeschooling until next year I figured I would at least like do homeroom mom so I'm involved in some sort of way. I think I will enjoy this. I still can't believe he will be starting school. Your babies do grow up oh so fast!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Dentist today

Boston went to the dentist today and he has no cavities! Ya Ya! He actually loves going to his dentist. I highly recommend him as well. Dr Goldstein, he's a pediatric dentist. He gets so excited when he gets a new tooth brush at the end. Of course he also loves to floss-go figure! I still hate to floss. Of course they didn't have fun shaped flossers in all different colors when I was little. And I've never met a kid who loves to brush there teeth like the boys. They go in and brush all by themself.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Asher is 3 months old today!
Bunk Beds
We ended up getting the boys bunk beds last Sunday. Of course they took Sean and I about 4 hours to put together. The boys are LOVING them! Boston sleeps on the top bunk, with Dallas down below. It's become a great form of entertainment during the day as well. Up and down they go about a hundred times a day. They are growing up so fast. I can't believe my babies are now sleeping in bunk beds!
Monday, August 13, 2007
Monetary Ranch is back!

While driving to church yesterday we passed by Wendy's and on their sign out front it said "Monetary Ranch Chicken Sandwich is back." YEAH!!! It's my absolute favorite sandwich and it's been since I was pregnant with Boston since they have had it. (And that was over 5 years ago!) So today after going to Publix with the boys I drove over to Wendy's to get this most delicious sandwich. And BOY WAS IT GOOD! If they would only keep it on the menu all the time. And while I'm talking about it why don't we bring back the way Subway used to cut their sandwiches with a triangle cut in the middle. Does anyone remember this??
Yesterday after a morning at church we headed over to my parents to celebrate Suzanne's birthday and we enjoyed a great afternoon swimming and sweating in Florida's summer heat. It was a great time. Although my dad was still in the hospital so we missed him being there. But thankfully after shocking his heart back into rhythm today they let him go home this evening and he is so happy to be home. We look forward to seeing him tomorrow.
Yesterday after a morning at church we headed over to my parents to celebrate Suzanne's birthday and we enjoyed a great afternoon swimming and sweating in Florida's summer heat. It was a great time. Although my dad was still in the hospital so we missed him being there. But thankfully after shocking his heart back into rhythm today they let him go home this evening and he is so happy to be home. We look forward to seeing him tomorrow.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Alien Pancakes...a fun Saturday morning

This morning as a special treat we took the boys to Denny's for breakfast. It's funny how little things like that make such a big deal in the life of a little one. The boys ordered Smiley Alien Pancakes and devoured every bite! They thought it was the "coolest" thing. Boston added that it's the "bestest thing he's ever eaten!" It was just so cute. And as crazy as going out to eat with 3 little ones sounds it actually was quiet pleasant. They played with the stash of cars and colors I have in my diaper bag...a good mom is always prepared! And then once breakfast came there was hardly a word out of them.
After eating we went to do some shopping at BJ's. They had a life size pirate that moved and the boys went crazy over it! We got the movie "Muppet Treasure Island" at the library this week and they have been all about pirates so it was a great surprise to see this animatronic. We also saw a bunk bed for sale and are considering buying it for the boys room. All in all it was a fun Saturday morning together as a family.
Dad's in the hospital

My dad is in the hospital again. He had heart surgery to burn some of his nerves to redirect so he would stop going into AFIB last week. But he had to go back in because of an infection. We have missed him a lot. He doesn't want the boys and I to come to the hospital because he's afraid we will catch something. So we sent a picture with Nena (my mom) so he would have something fun to look at and make him smile. (The picture above is what we sent). The boys also colored him some pictures. They do love and miss their papa and we can't wait for him to be all better so he can jump in the pool with all his clothes on a surprise us again! Please keep him in your prayers.
Asher's new seat
So I broke down and got the "latest" baby gadget. It's called a bumbo. Strange name right? Well it a seat that supports them starting at 3 months old so they can sit up. I thought it might come in handy since it's small and I can throw it in the car and take it with me (since we are always on the go go go). It came highly recommended. Asher sat in it for the first time and really liked it. It was nice because I sat him on the counter while I cooked and he cooed at my the whole time. It made cooking much more fun. What a happy baby he is! I think in a few more weeks it will be a little more comforable for him as well. (He will be 3 months old on the 14th). It's amazing how many new products companies come out with each year!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Sack races

The other morning we had sack races in some old pillow cases. The boys had so much fun with this. They are ready to go and play each morning at about 6:30am so I'm always looking for something different to entertain them. This was their first sack race and they loved it! Of course
it's so hot down here right now I'm constantly trying to find fun things to do INDOORS.
Job Mommy

I truely believe that being a mom is the hardest job in the world. Not that I'm not saying that other peoples jobs are easy, but when you are a mom you are shaping your child into who he will become. Talk about stress. Never ending wondering if you are doing everything right. I struggle with this everyday. Am I doing enough? Am I being a good example of character? Am I feeding them right? Am I teaching them all they need to know? Am I being the best mom I can be? Ugh...it could drive a person crazy. So everyday, I get down on my knees and pray to God that he will give me peace and trust in Him that he picked me to be Boston, Dallas and Asher's mommy and I'm the best one for it. And I pray that if I do mess up, which I will and do, that they won't remember those things but only the good things I do. I know God will give me a lot of grace because being a mommy is a tough and draining job.....and yet THE MOST rewarding job in the WORLD! So as much as I might wonder where my acting or photography career would be now, that just doesn't matter. All that matters is that through Sean and I's love we have been blessed with an even more amazing love 3 times over! How blessed we are to have been given the three kids that he gave us. Oh how much I love them. It's amazing how much love you can possess for a little 8lb baby as soon as it comes out of your body and into this world. It's a true testiment of God's great love for us.
Today as been a trying day of discipling that is always challenging and draining on me. Boston is tapping into a new side of himself. A side with sass and attitude (and tongues sticking out!). So I'm trying to mold him into a little boy that can control his temper and attitude and not just do whatever he feels. Oh what a huge job that is. But I know we will get there and someday he will channel all that passion in a good way and we will be so proud of him.
Today as been a trying day of discipling that is always challenging and draining on me. Boston is tapping into a new side of himself. A side with sass and attitude (and tongues sticking out!). So I'm trying to mold him into a little boy that can control his temper and attitude and not just do whatever he feels. Oh what a huge job that is. But I know we will get there and someday he will channel all that passion in a good way and we will be so proud of him.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Aunt Suzanne's b-day
Today was Suzanne's 25th b-day (she is married to my brother Wes). The boys and I surprised her where she teaches with candy and balloons. They had also make cards for her. They were so excited about taking her balloons but all Dallas kept asking was "are we going to have birthday cake too????" Over and over and over again.
They also had swiming today and they are getting so good. I'm very proud of them. It's amazing to me that at the ages of 2.5 and 4.5 they can do the butterfly, breaststroke and freestyle. I can't even do those!! I'll have to post some video of them.
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