The wait continues. Yesterday I had a sonogram to check the fluid levels and they were great. The only concern now is that the baby was measuring on the sonogram quite big. Of course they can be off on that, which is what I think. The first measurement said the baby was almost 10 lbs! I've never even had a 9 lb baby, so I really think they are incorrect on this. But since the sonographer believes it's big they are now not going to let me go past Saturday (originally they were going to let me go until Monday to induce.) Tomorrow I have another doctor's appt and they will decide then whether to induce tomorrow or on Saturday. This will be the best Mother's Day gift ever! I just hope the baby decides to come on it's own so I won't have to be induced and can follow my original birthing plan. Of course, I trust God and know that know matter what, His plan is the best and He will take care of me. I had contractions ALL DAY yesterday, but they would go off and on. Hopefully today they will stick and we'll have a baby very soon. It surely is big enough!! Look forward to sharing good news and the sex of our third with everyone very soon!
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