Friday, January 1, 2010

A new year!!

It's a new year and its about time I got back to blogging. Last year was a long year full of so much. It made it really hard to find the time to blog and keep up with everything. But I feel like I'm forgetting so much and its about time to start documenting it again (and try and play catch up to last year.)

Last year was a year of learning I would say. When I started 2009 off we were in the midst of a lot of testing for Dallas to see what was causing all his behavior issues. After MRI's, EKG's, blood work, neuropsyhc testing and more he was finally diagnosed SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder) and PDD. I started the whole processing saying I thought he had's always have an intuition as to what is wrong right? So then we began OT and tried Behavioral Therapy. We came a long way through the year but ended it rough, then trying to figure out what else we can do to help him (diet, different therapies, etc.) I've learned so much but still have a long way to go with him.

More learning came when we decided to homeschool the boys and I shifted and put on the teacher hat. It's defiantly been a learning process daily as to what works and what doesn't but it's been pretty successful all in all.

It was also a year of healing (still morning my miscarriage from August) and then much excitement when we found out I was pregnant again mid year. And even more exciting to find out we were having a girl around my birthday.

That's a very brief summary of 2009 with much anticipation to the joy that 2010 brings. Now to apply all the gained knowledge and keep taking steps forward.

So here I am...36 1/2 weeks pregnant and awaiting another change in our family. I am still in shock that it's a girl and not sure I will totally believe it until she's curled up in my arms. I've been in total nesting mood since Christmas is over trying to make all the necessary preparations and finish her room. My to do list is a mile long so there's much to be done!

1 comment:

  1. WOW!!! You're back! Soooo glad to see you blogging again. :)
