Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!

Today is my BIRTHDAY! Ya for me. Although the older I get, and more kids I have, birthdays don't seem like "my" day anymore. Today I turned 31 and I can hardly believe it. I sure don't "feel" like 31. We woke up and leasurly took our time this morning. We headed to Animal Kingdom after lunch and enjoyed a few hours there. Sean and I actually got to ride the rollercoaster Everest. There was no line so we could take turns and the boys LOVED watching us on it. Although they were very concerned that mommy was going to get sick and quickly greeted me right after I got off to check on me. How sweet. I reassured them that mommy was just fine, but even later that day Boston said to me, "Mommy, I think you were lieing to me and that you really were sick." I guess they think only boys are up to ride rollercoasters, they just don't know their mom well enough yet I guess. This girl LOVES rollercoasters.

Wes and Suzanne met us at the end of our day there, they close early. Then we headed to Perkins to grab a quick bite and then head to MGM Studios, but then we all realized we were too tired for another park. So, last minute, Sean's parents came over and watched the kids while we went to the movies to see the only movie that was playining in the 8:00 time slot, Dark Knight. And gosh was it DARK. Too dark for me, or I'm just getting too old. And I used to love horror films. I think since having kids I just can't take these movies anymore. Weird huh?

It was a fun, laid back birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a nice birthday!!!


    Im the exact same way with movies nowadays too!
