Saturday, February 28, 2009
Sean left today to head to Tampa with Juan because they are running the Gasperella 1/2 marathon tomorrow. The boys and I didn't do much of anything today but just hang out at the house and play outside a lot. We did go up to get a movie to watch tonight. They picked Hot Wheels the movie. Then we went to Planet Smootie and got smoothies. We had a great time watching the movie together. Boston came and joined me in the bed and snored softly and it made me feel like Sean was there with me.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Big house, Small House
Last night Sean helped my brother and Suzanne move into their new house, a huge house! We are so happy for them. Of course it makes me look at my little house, all 1689 square feet of it and wonder what it would be like to live in a big house with a big pantry and big closets. Room for everything. I'm working very hard at being content with what God has blessed us with. Of course whenever I go to someone else's house that's big and decorated with the finest of furnishings I start to be not happy with my house and the used furnishings we have. But when I'm in my home I love it! Its been such a great place to bring up the boys and a great neighborhood with an awesome backyard area. So today I battled in my head with God but realized we have three beautiful boys and that's why we still live in this house. And I would much rather have my boys and stay at home with them then a have a big house. So for now I will continue being happy and taking care of what God has given me.
(the picture is of our front door with my Valentine's wreath)
Tonight Sean and I went over to their house and it was amazing! Sean and I are already dreaming about when we can also buy a house in the same neighborhood and both live in the there.
Dr Seuss Day
Today was Dr Seuss Day at Boston's school and I volunteered to come up and help out. Each class rotated around to the other kindergarten class to do an activity and hear a Dr Seuss book being read. As I walked in another mom, Hi, said "Ya Cricket's here. She can read the book!" Right away Boston class left on the rotation and my first class came in. She handed me the book "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish." We have many Dr Seuss books in our house but for some reason this is not one of them and I can't remember ever having read this book. First off let me say it was the LONGEST book. As I'm reading I'm thinking, "this book is never going to end!" But I put my theatre skills to use and animated the book and used funny sounds for the characters.
The best was when Boston's class finally returned and I got to read it to his class. The smile on his face showing how proud he was that I was his mom was the BEST THING IN THE WHOLE WORLD! I've performed in front of hundreds and even on tv, but this was THE best audience I could ever had, the audience with my proud child in it. Nothing could top this!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Truck riding at Walmart and the random kindness

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Asher coloring

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Dallas riding without training wheels

I'm oh so proud of you Dallas! Way to go!!!

National Pancake Day
Monday, February 23, 2009
Storytime at the Library with Asher
My girlfriend Rebecca and I have been meeting on Mondays at the library with our littlest ones while our big kids are in school. It's been really nice taking Asher to something all his own and with other kids his age. And especially nice for him to get to play with Lucas. Today the lady was all dressed up as Mother Goose and my goodness did she have a list of rules. I thought I was going to get in trouble (no talking, no kids wandering around, etc etc) I do look forward to my Mondays with Asher!
Lucas putting the pacifier in Ashers mouth. I had to give it to him because he wasn't being quiet...LOL
Asher with Mother Goose

Lucas putting the pacifier in Ashers mouth. I had to give it to him because he wasn't being quiet...LOL

Brain Integration Therapy

I'm also starting us back on the Biology of Behavior supplements. A great article you can read on her website is
There are several other articles you should also check out on here. The most interesting thing in this article is how she talks about how important Essential Fatty Acids are to brain function, behavior and attention problems:
They have highlighted the relationship between learning, behavior, and attention disorders and essential fatty acid deficiency in children. The more recent studies corroborate the older ones. In a 1981 study, reported in the journal, Medical Hypotheses, a large number of hyperactive children showed deficiencies in essential fatty acids. That particular study revealed that boys have a three times higher need for essential fatty acids than girls. This might be one explanation for the larger number of boys experiencing difficulties in various areas of learning and behavior.
So check her out, you won't regret it!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
(He's in the back row, second person to the right of the big mexican hat wearing boy)
Then we headed back inside and the boys got passports and we went around to all the different tables checking out the missionary work going on all over the world. We all got chop sticks and a bookmark with each of our names on it in Chinese. Of course we hung around China the most, since it the country we feel so called to. Hopefully one day we will have some even deeper connection to it....maybe a little girl....we can only hope. There really is a place in my heart for a sweet little China girl. Sean and I both have the deepest desire to adopt there but God would have to move mountains for it to happen. Right now the wait time is several years, some say 4-6 years, and the financal costs and things you have to have in order to even quality are way beyond our means But I know if that is what God's wishes for our family He will make it happen and I have all the faith in the world in that.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Race Car
Jori's birthday party
I took Boston to his friend Jori's birthday party today at the bowling alley. Jori and Boston has known each other since they were born through church and now they are in the same kindergarten class. Boston loves Jori but he is also very careful not to seem to close to her because the boys in class seem to tease him that she's his girlfriend and as he's told me many times, "he DOESN'T want a girlfriend!" I assured him he didn't need one until he's at least 21! Ha Ha
Jori, Ashton (yes a kid in his class is names Ashton), Nicolas, and Boston
Jori -it was a Cosmic Bowl, they turn off the lights and have black lights with everything glowing
Boston had the time of his life. It was ever so cute to watch them cheer each other on and jump up and down when they knocked a lot of pins down. Boston was very proud that he won on his lane of 6 kids with a score of 75 (and the rest of the kids in the 50's) Daddy was so proud
Jori, Boston and Nicolas
Boston and Jori
Saturday morning
I started the morning off with lots of baking. Homeade healthy waffles, orange bran muffins, and breakfast cookies. The muffins are not a repeat, yuk. But I'm trying several healthy recipes trying to find some staples to batch make each week.
Sean came home from his Saturday morning run and we played soccer with the boys in the backyard for a little while. It was absolutely gorgeous day!
Here's Asher and Dillard looking at the ducks in the pond in our backyard. Asher LOVES ducks. It's the first animal noise he made and he still loves to "QUACK QUACK!"
Daddy kicking the ball far in the air for the boys to chase after. They love this game
Mommy and Asher
Sean came home from his Saturday morning run and we played soccer with the boys in the backyard for a little while. It was absolutely gorgeous day!
Here's Asher and Dillard looking at the ducks in the pond in our backyard. Asher LOVES ducks. It's the first animal noise he made and he still loves to "QUACK QUACK!"

Friday, February 20, 2009
A new do
Today I cut all my hair off! I've been tired of the upkeep of long, curly hair for sometime now. I just don't have time to wash and dry it with three young boys. I decided if I was going to cut it I might as well cut enough to donate and help someone else out. I did this a few years ago and cut 10 inches off to donate to Locks of Love for young girls who lose their hair due to illness. This time I didn't have 10 inches, their minimum. I found another place Beautiful Lengths that uses the hair for cancer patients and their minimum is 8 inches. So off I went to see Jane, who has cut my hair for 20 years, with a picture of Meg Ryan with very short curly hair. For a week I labored over whether I had enough nerve to cut it that short. I've never had it so short I couldn't put it in some sort of ponytail. But I decided to just go for it! At first as I saw her cutting it shorter and shorter I went into shock. I thought, my gosh I'm going to look like a boy!!! And even after she dryed it I was still in shock. When I walked out immediatly two ladies commented on how much they LOVED my hair (as I'm thinking, "are you crazy!") When I walked by the mirror it just didn't look like me. But now that I have washed and styled it myself and looked at myself in the mirror a thousand times, I'm getting used to it and LOVING IT! Especially the fact that it's not hot and doesn't give me a headache when I put it in a ponytail! So here's to short hair....and the EASE of it!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Daryl's birthday
Tonight after dinner we headed over to our friends Daryl and Val's house to celebrate Daryl's birthday with a cookie cake. The kids had a blast and it was fun to have some adult conversation. And who can resist some cookie cake!!!!
Dallas OT, PT and ST Evaluations

Today was a big day with Dallas. Him and I went to have him evaluated by a Occupational Therapist, Physical Therapist and a Speech Therapist.
First off we had the OT evaluation. Things went well up until the end when he had one of his "moments" I might call. We were sitting with the lady doing the eval and at the end of it and he stood up while she was talking to me and went over to my bag and got the Leapster game out and started playing. I told him he couldn't play right now we had to finish and he ignored me. So I took it away and put it up. He had a huge tantrum, screaming and yelling and kicking and what not. The OT lady looked at me and said, "I know you aren't enjoying this but it's really good for me to see." I knew that. I knew how good it was that I was thanking God that someone else was finally witness to it and I had tears in my eyes. These tantrums can be so exhausting and hopefully someone can point me in a direction that will help me to get through to him and help him calm down when he gets so worked up like this. Finally we got him calmed down, after about 15 minutes. She went ahead and ended the session and I prayed that while I took him for lunch he would come back and corporate for the PT and ST ladies.
We ate lunch in the car and I let him watch the new movie Nena gave him this morning, Space Buddies. We watched for about 30 minutes and he also got to play on the playground at McDonalds. We headed back and he ran in the door greeting everyone and wanting to go play in their ball pit and climb the rock climbing wall.
The PT eval was great! We had this because of the constant toe walking. She said his heel cords were tight but not so bad it would require surgery, but she wouldn't want them to get any worse. She did a bunch of stuff with him to evaluate him and he was great working with her. She put 2 lb weights around his ankles and I couldn't believe what a difference it made. He walked all around not on his tip toes. She gave me a list of things to work with him one, like walking backwards, crouching like a frog and walking like a duck, some massages and stretches to do and suggestion to buy 3 lb weights to work with on his feet. She said he wouldn't need regular PT. Yah!!
The ST lady was also wonderful! I haven't seen anything wrong at all with his speech. He's always been great in this area I thought, even having a huge vocabulary at 18 months! But the neurologist suggested getting him checked and I figured why not since I was already there. He did good and she said he was just fine and didn't need any ST Yah!
I'm will have to wait on the OT evaluation to see what she says. I know already that he's already behind in fine motor some but that's about all I know. I'm so excited to start the OT! What great resources we have now to correct problems that could have just gotten bigger the older he got and now can be completely eliminated!
First off we had the OT evaluation. Things went well up until the end when he had one of his "moments" I might call. We were sitting with the lady doing the eval and at the end of it and he stood up while she was talking to me and went over to my bag and got the Leapster game out and started playing. I told him he couldn't play right now we had to finish and he ignored me. So I took it away and put it up. He had a huge tantrum, screaming and yelling and kicking and what not. The OT lady looked at me and said, "I know you aren't enjoying this but it's really good for me to see." I knew that. I knew how good it was that I was thanking God that someone else was finally witness to it and I had tears in my eyes. These tantrums can be so exhausting and hopefully someone can point me in a direction that will help me to get through to him and help him calm down when he gets so worked up like this. Finally we got him calmed down, after about 15 minutes. She went ahead and ended the session and I prayed that while I took him for lunch he would come back and corporate for the PT and ST ladies.
We ate lunch in the car and I let him watch the new movie Nena gave him this morning, Space Buddies. We watched for about 30 minutes and he also got to play on the playground at McDonalds. We headed back and he ran in the door greeting everyone and wanting to go play in their ball pit and climb the rock climbing wall.
The PT eval was great! We had this because of the constant toe walking. She said his heel cords were tight but not so bad it would require surgery, but she wouldn't want them to get any worse. She did a bunch of stuff with him to evaluate him and he was great working with her. She put 2 lb weights around his ankles and I couldn't believe what a difference it made. He walked all around not on his tip toes. She gave me a list of things to work with him one, like walking backwards, crouching like a frog and walking like a duck, some massages and stretches to do and suggestion to buy 3 lb weights to work with on his feet. She said he wouldn't need regular PT. Yah!!
The ST lady was also wonderful! I haven't seen anything wrong at all with his speech. He's always been great in this area I thought, even having a huge vocabulary at 18 months! But the neurologist suggested getting him checked and I figured why not since I was already there. He did good and she said he was just fine and didn't need any ST Yah!
I'm will have to wait on the OT evaluation to see what she says. I know already that he's already behind in fine motor some but that's about all I know. I'm so excited to start the OT! What great resources we have now to correct problems that could have just gotten bigger the older he got and now can be completely eliminated!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Getting mail

Boston riding his bike again

Sunday, February 15, 2009
Rollerskating 80's party
Tonight we went to a rollerskating 80's birthday party for our friends Christie and Jill. What a great time we had! It was way out in Kissimmee but what a great facility! They even had a huge indoor playground for the kids. Only thing missing was the lightup dance floor. I was a little apprehensive about getting on the old school skates but it didn't take long to remember how to do it. It has been about 20 years!!
Boston trying out his skates
Dallas in skates for the first time
The boys didn't last too long after falling on their bottoms a few times. They were much more interested in playing on the huge indoor playground with their friends. Dallas did come back and try the skates on again and skate around the kiddy rink with me for a little while and then try the big rink out for a few seconds before deciding against it. 
Here is Sean skating away!
Limbo time! Sean sitting on his butt after not making it
Sean and I after a night of fun skating! We even got to couples skate and hold hands. Ahhh Of course there was lots of 80's music and my favorite, Bon Jovi!
Then we drove the boys home and dropped them off with grandma and grandpa and had dinner at Olive Garden with Daryl and Val. It was a busy and fun Sunday!
Boston trying out his skates
Here is Sean skating away!

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Animal Kingdom for Valentine's Day
We headed out to Animal Kingdom after Sean finished his long run today. What a great time! We went to the Dinosaur part first today and let the boys run off some energy in the playground there. We haven't been to this part of the park in several years because they just weren't old enough. But now they love it! They were running all over the place. Sean and I had a hard time keeping up with where they were. Asher especially loved hanging out with Sean in the dirt/rock area pictured below where you uncover dinasour fossils.
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