All week me and the boys have Vacation Bible School at our church. It is one of the highlights of the summer! I am the photographer again this year and Asher is enjoying riding around in the stroller or hanging out with Nena while mommy takes pictures. And everyone has sure enjoyed getting to see baby Asher and hold him. Dallas absolutely loves being in Ms Stephanie's class with all 6 boys. God Bless you Stephanie! It's so nice this year that he runs in his class, not ever getting upset, and doesn't want to leave when we come to pick him up. And Boston just loves his class as well. He's enjoying the "cowboy" theme for sure! And he comes home singing all the praise songs he is learning. What a joy! It's fun to also watch the kids grow each year. On Sunday and Wednesday you don't always get to see all the other kids. And since I'm taking pictures of them each year I really notice how much they have grown. VBS is also great for me in the since that I get to talk and be around other adults each day...LOL. For those of you who aren't moms yet, you will understand and cherish this a lot more when you are around toddlers all day! :-) I'm most proud of myself since we have been on time (and early) each day. A real accomplishment since I'm getting myself and three others ready and out the door by myself!! Well I'm off to get some photo things done and take the boys swimming....until next time!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The Terrible Two's
(Above is my attempt at getting a picture with all 3 boys. Boston's making a silly face and Dallas pitched a fit)
Having a 2 year old in your house is like living with Jeckel and Hyde. One moment they are the sweetest thing since sliced bread and the next they are lying on the floor, screaming and crying because you offered them their favorite cookie – go figure – I sure haven’t yet! I just don’t understand what goes on in their little minds. It is a definite testing of my patience that is for sure. I remember when I was going through the two’s with Boston (and three’s – yes it does go on through the three’s) and my great friend Jess said that when her daughter reached 4 it was like a magical thing happened. They all of a sudden want to be good all the time (or for the most part that is.) And that’s exactly what happened with Boston. But now….being my second….with a baby….its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know God must be thinking this is a good time for me to learn some more patience in my life. And for those that know me oh so well, you know this never was my strongest quality. So maybe after all the toddler years I will end up being a better person.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Being a Mommy of 3!

As hard as it is having a 4 year old, 2 ½ year old and 1 month old, I wouldn’t change it for the world. It might be the hardest time for me at the moment, with my lack of sleep and constant disciplining trying to raise good boys, but I know I will look back on these years as some of the best. I just want to be able to cherish that right now, while I’m in the middle of it. When I get no sleep and the boys aren’t listening and the baby pees all over me and him and then after I get us changed spits up on everything. It can seem so overwhelming at times and I will think “I just don’t know how I’m going to get threw today!” But somehow I do, and somehow everyone survives. And somehow watching tv for hours that day won’t kill them. Somehow they have learned something in the midst of all the craziness. I look at the boys and wonder how they know all that the do. When did they learn their abc’s, shapes and colors. And then I remember, that in the midst of our zany day, I was teaching, I was loving and I was exactly the mom they needed me to be.
Asher's 1 month old
Wow! What a month it has been. Asher is 1 month old today!! I can't believe it. When he first arrived it felt like he had been with us forever, but now I can't believe a month has gone by. Life goes by fast when you are a mommy of 3! Speaking of that, the adjustment is going well. (As long as I get some sleep...LOL) Asher is a WONDERFUL baby. Sleeps most of the day and all night (except for a few feedings inbetween) The boys absolutely LOVE him to death. They can't kiss him enough. And Boston wants to help out with everything, from changing diapers, to singing a lullaby when he's crying. He is the ULTIMATE big brother. Dallas definatly needs his "mommy" time, and with three little boys it's hard to have that one on one as much. But I'm trying to balance it all. Dallas is also in the middle of the TERRIBLE two's. I just don't remember it being this bad with Boston. Of course, with a new baby in the house that adds to the situation. Whenever Dallas starts crying and whinning I tell him to go get in bed until he is happy again, so now he just puts himself into bed whenever he gets upset. That's one way of "cooling" off. Wish I could do that myself!
Sean's been working hard but getting home at much better times than before. He and the two big boys have been having a lot of play time together. My mom has also been a huge help taking them when I need a much needed break. And they love to go over and swim at their house. Sean and I even got to go on a date this month thanks to Sean's parents. My sunday school and Mom's Club has been so awesome with bringing us dinner every other night since the first week. And I can't tell you what a blessing that has been!!! Dinnertime is the hardest!
I have mangaged to go shopping at Publix, Sam's and Target with all three and we all survived...and actually had a fun time. The boys have always loved going to the grocery store and that hasn't changed and Asher slept the whole time. (As babies Boston and Dallas cried soooo much and they hardly ever slept during the day - so this is like night and day).
There's a link to some newer pics on the right of this site. I will try and keep the blog updated more now. I am going to put the birth story on here at some point. Right now internet time is hit or miss when I have the time! Love you all and thanks so much for you support!!
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